From the menu bar, go to Utilities > Company Defaults > Privacy Policy Disclosure.
The screen is divided into multiple tabs which are used to define the options that are printed on the disclosure form. At the bottom of the screen is a field to enter a revision date to track when the last revision was made to the form.
- Complete the 1 - What Box tab.
- Select an item from the Available options column to include in the types of personal information that you collect and share, depending on the product or service the borrower has with you, and then click the Add button.
The item is moved to the Selected options column. Social Security number is not displayed but is a fixed entry on the printed form.
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to move the items up and down in the list to alter the sequence in which they will display on the form.
- Select an item from the Available options column to include in the types of personal information that you collect and share, depending on the product or service the borrower has with you, and then click the Add button.
Select the2 - Reasons We Can Share tab.
Use this section to specify the reasons for which you can share the borrower’s personal information. This information is disclosed to the borrower in the Reasons we can share your personal information table on the printed form.-
- For each reason select Yes or No to specify whether you share or do not share information for that purpose.
Note: If you select Yes, the corresponding check box in the Opt-Out Choices section on the Opt-Out Options tab is automatically selected when Yes is also selected under Limit Sharing - Select Yes, No, or We Don’t Share to indicate whether the borrower can limit the sharing for the reason specified.
- For each reason select Yes or No to specify whether you share or do not share information for that purpose.
Select the 3 - Opt-Out Options tab.
Use the Opt-Out Options tab to specify the options that are available for a borrower to select from to prevent their information from being shared.
- If you selected Phone, enter the telephone number for the borrower to call to opt out. The telephone number is populated on the printed form
- If you selected Website, enter your web address. The web address is populated on the printed form
- If you selected Mail as an option, enter your company name and address in the fields provided where the borrower can mail their opt-out request
- In the Please Note: __ Days field, enter the number of days that the borrower has to exercise their opt-out option before you will begin sharing their information.
- In the Acct Reference field, define an identifier to be used on the mail in form for the unique customer, such as the loan number.
If the loan is held jointly, and you want to allow the borrowers to have the option to have a single opt-out for both borrowers, select the Single Opt-Out - Joint Borrowers check box
Note: When you select this option, the Limit Sharing—Jointly options on the What We Do Section tab are enabled.
The Opt-Out Choices section is in compliance based on your selections on the Reasons We Can Share tab. If you change any of these selections, you run the risk of being out of compliance.
- Select the Phone check box and enter a telephone number to include in the Questions section of the printout for the borrower to contact you with questions. (Prints on pg.1)
- Select the Website check box and enter your web site to include in the Questions section of the printout. (Prints on pg.1)
- Enter your information in the Who is providing this notice field to populate the Who is providing this notice information on the printed form
- Click the Extended List checkbox to expand who is providing the notice. The text is printed at the bottom of page 2.
- Complete the How We Protect Personal Info section. Using a maximum of 30 words, enter a description of the security measures you use to protect the borrower’s information from unauthorized access.
- Complete the How We Collect Personal Info section
- Select an item from the Available options column to include in the how you collect personal information options and click the Add button. You can select up to 5 options.
- Select the Optional check boxes to inform your borrowers whether you collect their personal information from others such as credit bureaus, affiliates, and other companies
- Complete the Limited Sharing sections.
- To add additional information about a borrower’s rights under state law, check the See below for more on your rights under state law check box.
Note: A statement is printed in the What We Do section on the printed form that refers the borrower to below(the Other Important Information section on the printed form) for more information about the state law. Enter the state law text in the Show General Information Box field in the Other Important Info tab
The Single Opt-Out-Joint Borrowers checkbox on the Opt-Out Options tab must be selected to enabled the below two checkbox. - To specify that the joint sharing options apply to everyone, select Your choices will apply to everyone on your account.
- To specify that they apply only unless you specify otherwise, select Your choices will apply to everyone on your account - unless you tell us otherwise.
- To add additional information about a borrower’s rights under state law, check the See below for more on your rights under state law check box.
- Complete the How We Collect Personal Info section
- Complete the6 - Definitions tab.
Use the Definitions tab to define your affiliates, nonaffiliates, and joint marketing partners. This information is included in the Definitions section on page 2 of the printed form.
- Complete the Affiliate Information section.
- Select the appropriate check box that describes your information sharing relationship with affiliates.
If you select Shares with our affiliates, the company identity fields are enabled and should be completed.
- Select the appropriate check box that describes your information sharing relationship with affiliates.
- Complete the Nonaffiliate Information section.
- Select the applicable check box to indicate whether you share borrower information with nonaffiliates.
If you selected Nonaffiliates we share with can include, the empty field becomes enabled. Enter the names of the companies you share with in the empty field.
- Select the applicable check box to indicate whether you share borrower information with nonaffiliates.
- Complete the Joint Marketing section.
- Select the applicable check box to indicate whether you do joint marketing
If you do joint marketing, select Our joint marketing partners include: and enter your joint partners in the space provided
- Select the applicable check box to indicate whether you do joint marketing
- Complete the Affiliate Information section.
- Complete the 7 - Other Important Info tab.
- To include the Other Important Information section on the bottom of page 2 of printed form, select the Show General Information Box check box. Enter any general information in the box provided, for example, information about borrowers’ rights under state law.
- To add a third page to the form, select the Extend To Third Page check box and enter additional information in the field provided.
Due to the dynamic nature of the form, it is possible that the text typed into this field could overflow the box on page 2 of the printed form. When an overflow occurs, select the Extend to Third Page option to add a third page to the form and enter the overflow text in the enabled field