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Code 30000300 General Failure or GUSSBA_ERROR
DQE0443 Purchase Credit Type Other Description is not valid
150301 Check credit report valid for underwriting - Validation Failed
6654 - PointCentral Secondary Administrator
Point Articles
2002 Matching Owned Real Estate Properties to the Mortgage Liability.
6303 Printer not activated error code -20 -30, -41 (Windows 10 & Windows 11) and Printer not activated, error code -60
6465 eSign Error: Signer’s First Name (19), Last Name (19) and Email (12366) are required
6550 Sever Busy- Reports with Excel does not open charts.
6503 VA Loan Stacking Order in Point
6502 VA Loan Stacking Order and Order Status
6501 VA Loan Review in Point
6500 VA Loan Review Submission Guide
6302 The request failed with HTTP status 413: Request entity too large
6750 Fannie Mae Error Code 113317
2507 Creating and Editing Custom Forms
9999 PrincipalReduction does not match enumeration facet
118321 Subject Property Indicator
111368 Fannie Mae Error
Invalid EDI Code
Code 111336 Credit Agency Error
Code 118000 Underwriting Checklist Error
Code 30000307 Invalid Lender
Code 312 Credential Get Inst Name error
Code 385 Either Lender ID or Sponsored Originator EIN
Code 118346 Government Refinance Type is missing or invalid
Code 118337 Subject Property Type Code is missing
Code 113997 Submitted Loan Application has errors.
Code 118336 Number of units is 0 or missing.
Code 148327 LEA GOA
Code 140004 Credit Failures
Code 111300 At least one new credit report is required
Code 113999 113902 113309
Code 111352
Code 321 Loan Validation Error
Code 112955 112302 112418 112417 112404 Code 9
Code 5 Code 7 Cannot parse the RI XML
Code 5 Root element is missing
Code 1 User not authenticated
Code 0 General Failure
2704 Creating a new data folder using Point Administrator
2813 Copying a Point file
2630 Converting a Classic URLA 3.2 to a New redesigned 3.4 URLA file
1609 Editing / Updating Print Groups
1901 Connecting/Reconnecting existing Template Sets in Point
2815 Exporting Cardex records to create mailing labels
2012 Right to Receive Appraisal
2400 Risk-Based Premiums for FHA Mortgage Insurance
2809 Understanding LTV and CLTV calculations (Loan-to-Value and Combined Loan-to-Value)
1003 Updating Point
2025 – Disclosing transfer tax fee description
1138 Setting up Freddie Mac Loan Product Advisor System-to-System Credentials
2625 Importing Online Loan Applications
1414 Generating the HMDA report
1011 Installing Point on multiple computers
2004 Entering a second employer on the Loan Application
2608 Removing a Verification of Assets (VOA) Report from a loan file
1809 Exporting a Point file to a Fannie Mae format file
2604 Completing the Credit Score Disclosure
1004 Installing or Reinstalling Point via MyCalyx
1811 Exporting Cardex records to Outlook contacts
1800 Importing Fannie Mae format files into Point
2515 Where is the Borrower Signature Authorization form?
2519 Completing the 1098 screen
2506 Where is the CA Fair Lending Notice?
2810 How the Maturity Date is populated
1600 Printing the 4506-T form - Married Filing Separately
2605 Entering loan conditions
2309 Entering Aggregate Adjustment for HUD 1
2606 Adding Co-Borrowers
2503 Does Point have an ARM disclosure?
2607 Where to enter the Settlement Date on the HUD-1 pg.1
0142 Completing the Title and Escrow tables
1118 Creating document package types
1127 Entering the ECOA address
1126 Setting up the default escrow account payments
1125 Creating the default conditions list
1124 Adding changed circumstance options
1123 Defining impound types
1122 Adding the warehouse lender dropdown list options
1119 Defining late documents
1117 Defining fee types
1114 Creating default investor shipping profiles
1116 Configuring the FHA Consumer Choice Disclosure Notice
1115 Entering the Servicing Disclosure Statement information
1113 Entering the CA Fair Lending address
1501 Creating a master file template
1112 Specifying the TIL consummation date
1111 Adding your company logo to forms and letters
1413 Using the Business Summary Report with Excel
1402 Using the Debt Consolidation Worksheet
1401 Using the Open House Flyer
1121 Creating stacking orders
1120 Editing the Service Provider List disclaimer
1611 Saving Point attachments from an E-mail
1110 Creating document categories and types
1137 Generating MERS MIN numbers in Point
2601 Using brackets or subtraction symbols
2612 Tracking Loan Status and Progress
2811 Copying/Moving Point files from one data folder to another
2618 Editing A Task
2616 Using Task Reminders
2617 Creating A New Task
2802 Point default folder structure
2803 Copying Point files to a CD-ROM and back onto a computer
1900 Networking Point
2801 Loan search across multiple data folders
2100 Preventing changes to the VA Funding Fee on the Loan Estimate for comparison to the Closing Disclosure
2609 Enter contact information for the Appraiser, Title, Escrow Company, and other agencies
2822 Entering Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) loans in Point
1411 Generating reports based on the status of a loan
1903 Networking the PNTTEMPL folder for shared Cardex and Templates
1007 Editing Point users in MyCalyx
1008 Creating installation groups
1134 Disabling Pipeline View
1904 Enabling Pipeline View
2816 Copying the Cardex Database to another computer
2819 Combining multiple Cardex Databases
0677 Entering the NMLS and State licensing number
2518 Using the Anti-Steering Disclosure
2817 Creating Cardex categories and entering records
1504 Applying a master file template to a new loan
1005 Uninstalling Point
2204 Printing the estimated property value on the Closing Disclosure
1130 Restoring document category and type default settings
2200 Completing the Payoffs and Payments screen
1135 Entering Dropdown Lists
2804 Common File Types
2806 Using Point in-system help feature
2600 Opening more than one file at a time
1131 Locating field IDs
2513 Entering an extra payment every "x" amount of months
2512 Processing an Interest Only Loan
1412 Inserting fields into a report
1109 Overriding dates on disclosures
1108 Creating the default trailing documents list
1107 Entering processing center information
1106 Entering the denial letter address
1105 Configuring the Privacy Policy Disclosure settings
1104 Entering company information
1103 Automatically storing documents from vendors
1102 Printing the Right to Receive Appraisal statement
2203 Indicating 100% lender paid fees on the Closing Disclosure
1400 Generating Reports
2302 Populating Escrow on the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure
2311 Housing Expenses: Synchronizing the Loan Application with the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure
0792 Submitting through Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP)
2500 Completing the Written List of Service Providers screen
0938 Entering Broker and Lender license numbers on the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure
2206 Entering Adjustments, Payoffs and Payments on the Closing Disclosure
1303 Importing Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) XML
2510 Applying Escrow Account on the GFE Form
2207 Entering POC (Paid Outside of Closing) Items on the Closing Disclosure
2308 Completing the Aggregate Adjustment on the Closing Disclosure
2201 Excluding Seller's Transaction from the Closing Disclosure
1502 Creating a loan program template
2403 Completing the FHA/VA Addendum to URLA - HUD form 92900-A
1410 Generating the RegulatorConnect report
2821 Contacting QuestSoft for Calyx Verifyde support
2301 Freezing Loan Estimate fees for comparison to the Closing Disclosure
2307 Entering Lender-Paid Compensation to Broker
2208 Comparing Tolerance for the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure
2619 Entering Construction Handling & Inspection Fees
1612 E-Mailing a Point Data File
1101 Setting the days per calendar year
1601 Emailing files or forms
1408 Generating mailing labels
2014 Entering the monthly and Up-Front Mortgage Insurance Premium
1406 Using the Loan Profit Summary Report (Banker with Excel)
1405 Using the Loan Pipeline Report with Excel
2823 Understanding the APR
2209 Closing Disclosure Field Mapping Tables
2102 Completing the Loan Estimate
2812 Point directories and files
2021 Completing Section 9 of the redesigned Loan Application form 1003
2020 Completing Section 7 & 8 of the redesigned Loan Application form 1003
2019 Completing Section 5 of the redesigned Loan Application form 1003
2018 Completing Section 4 of the redesigned Loan Application form 1003
2017 Completing Section 2 & 3 of the redesigned Loan Application
1605 Printing the Unmarried Addendum for the redesigned Loan Application form 1003
2520 Completing the Combined Transmittal Summary (1008)
2521 Completing the Lender Loan Information screens
1606 Determining which VA Loan Comparison form will print
2622 Completing the RegulatorConnect screen
2312 Completing the Closing Costs Worksheet
2310 Completing the Fees Worksheet
2703 Changing the data folder password for Point Administrator
2624 Removing a Verified Asset from a loan file in Point
2522 the 4506-C form - IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return
2626 Exporting a loan file to Fannie Mae 3.4 MISMO format
2627 Importing a Fannie 3.4 XML file into Point
1141 Setting an External Web Browser for use in Point
2313 Navigating the Fees Worksheet in Point
2629 Including Lender-Paid Compensation on Lender Loan Information – Page 2
1142 Enabling the Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF)
2103 Entering Payoffs and Adjustments on the Loan Estimate
2101 How to Input Lender Credits to show on the Loan Estimate
2011 Entering a Construction-to-Perm Loan with Property Purchase
2013 Entering a Construction-to-Perm Loan with a Payoff
2615 Creating a Simultaneous Second Mortgage (Piggyback)
2409 VA Req/Cert of Reasonable Value (26-1805)
2631 Creating a Second Mortgage
2210 Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset – Phase 4a
2613 Swapping Borrowers
2314 QM Bona Fide Discount Compliance
2511 Calculating a Buydown Mortgage
2003 Processing Construction Loans
2016 Completing Section 1 of the New URLA
2024 Code PLP0245 The Loan Product Advisor Identifier could not be matched
0489 How to fill in the Privacy Policy Disclosure
1129 Enabling the Date Prepared field
1608 Printing letter size forms on legal size paper
2614 Entering non-occupying/non-married Borrowers to submit to Loan Product Advisor (LPA)
2306 Fees paid by Lender, Broker, Seller, or party other than the Borrower
2304 Entering Impound Accounts on the Fees & Impounds screen
2603 Entering the USDA Annual Fee
2405 FHA/MIP Cancellation
1803 Importing Contour files into Point
1503 Creating a default set of fees (Closing Cost Scenarios)
2808 Mortgage Insurance cents
1804 Importing Encompass files into Point
1805 Importing Data into Point using text delimited files
2752 Obtaining the URL and Security Key
0515 Entering the originator's e-mail address on the Good Faith Estimate
2509 Completing the Good Faith Estimate
2404 Entering 3.5% down payment on the 203K Worksheet
1810 Exporting data from Point to Act
2516 Completing the Notice of Action Taken
1806 Batch Import data into Point from Excel
1802 Importing Byte files into Point
1409 Locating unmarried Co-Borrower files when generating a HMDA report
1807 Exporting Point data to a text file using an export template
2305 Transferring Fees from the Fees Worksheet to the HUD-1
1301 Attaching documents to the Point file
1300 Adding and using document categories and types
2501 Adding fields to custom forms that are not listed in the "Select Point Field" dropdown list
2505 Importing Word documents as a Custom Form
2502 Inserting Word fields into Point custom forms. If...Then...Else...
1133 Enabling auto file naming
0525 Creating a custom screen
2820 Printing the Cardex Database records
2700 Backing up Point data files using Point Administrator
2818 Importing Outlook contacts into the Cardex database
2628 Omitting Escrowed Payments from the Proposed Monthly Payment Total
2351 Locating a loan file after generating the HMDA report
1010 Getting Started with MyCalyx
2408 Filling in the VA Loan Comparison screen
1602 Emailing and saving Point forms
2620 Calculating Cash to Close for loans with a Simultaneous Second (Piggyback)
1902 Configuring a laptop to work on and off the network
2705 Setting up Point Security
2350 Finalizing HMDA data and locking the screen
2202 (L) prefix printing next to fees on the Closing Disclosure
1302 Using stacking orders
2702 Understanding Secured Areas when using Point Security
1136 Assigning a Loan Number (Lender Case No.)
2008 Creating an investment loan in Point
2015 Completing the redesigned Loan Application - URLA form 1003
1610 E-mail a custom form to multiple borrowers
1500 Populating the LEI from a master template
1009 Adding users to MyCalyx
1140 Defaulting the HMDA Loan App Register Information
2814 Copying Point files from one computer to another
1132 Automatically populating the LEI number on the HMDA Reporting (2018) screen
2602 Checking the APR
2800 Checking your Point version
1603 Creating Print Groups - Local and Shared
2205 Completing the Closing Disclosure
2701 Connecting Point to data folders
1505 Creating custom report templates
1139 Setting the Zip/Webcaster Preferences
1006 Verifying the installed Microsoft .NET Framework version
1002 Installing Microsoft .NET Framework
2611 Changing the status of a loan
2504 Inserting today's date on a custom form
2027 – Liability Payoffs for Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure.
5506 Freddie Mac Common Errors Codes
Freddie DQC0022
Freddie DQC0609
Freddie PLP0150
2026 – UCD Manual Entry Enumeration Index
Code 118357 Field 02A-070 Number of Units is 0 or missing
Code 118316 Occupancy declaration missing for applicant.
Code 118358 Multiple properties exist in the REO
Code 118348 118350 A GOC-GOD Data Section is not valid
2028 Split Co-Borrower into separate application
2029 DTI Debt To Income Ratio
Freddie DQC0077
6511 Phase 3 Fannie Mae - Freddie Mac UCD Errors
Fannie Mae 3603 DQC1416 CRIT0090
Fannie Mae 3633
Fannie Mae 3636 3640
Fannie Mae 3637 3641 3642
Freddie DQC1331 CRIT0102
Freddie DQC1318 CRIT0136 CRIT0138 DQC1320 DQC1321 CRIT0137 DQC1310 CRIT0266 DQC544 CRIT0240 DQC2965 CRIT0140
Freddie DQC647 CRIT0093
1415 – Reporting with new Application Table Fields (JSON)
1416 Running Standard (MCR) NMLS Call Report
Freddie The reference number of the selected Credit Agency is required
5102 How to run Fannie Mae Addendum for Equifax
DQC0703 An association is required to connect Borrower Employment to a type of income
6800 Generating the V6 MCR Call Report (Broker/Lender)
6801 Completing the V6 MCR Call Report screen in Point
2706 Create New Folder or Unnesting Nested Data Folders
2353 Point V6 (MCR) NMLS Help Guide
6460 Corrupt File for Folder Issue
2211 Adding Seller Information in Point
7018 Setting Up Zip Administration Website for Spanish
7019 Setting Up Zip Landing Pages for Spanish
2030 General Outline for Processing a Loan file in Point
2707 Data Migration from Point Central to Stand Alone Point
DocMagic VA Loan Summary Sheet
DocMagic Change of Circumstance
6658 System Slowness Addressed
See more
PointCentral Articles
6561 PointCentral Locked Out User
6562 PointCentral User Password Reset
3906 Data Folder Structure
3901 SSL Information
3100 Updating PointCentral
3600 Moving PointCentral to a new server
3202 Full Forced Synchronization of PointCentral Data Fields
3404 Determining which rule is assigned to a user or user group(s)
3310 Verifying access rights for User Groups and Users, Templates, and Cardex
3307 Verifying access rights for specific users
3306 Copying a template set using PointCentral
3305 Assigning Local Data Folder Access Rights
3900 Best Practice for Test Server Environment
3603 Setting Up Forward Lookup Zone for use with PointCentral
3312 Assigning user or user group access rights to a data folder
3311 Reassigning Template Sets
3606 Moving SQL from 32 to 64 bit server
3607 Changing the SQL SA Password
3302 Creating user groups
3101 Creating installation settings for PointCentral environments
3200 Enabling Calyx Pricer
3605 Installing IIS and required server roles
3314 Enabling HMDA Register Info in PointCentral
3609 Changing the PointCentral admin password
3203 Updating the Additional Fields Table
3903 Importing a Cardex Database
3902 Verifying the PointCentral Version
3309 Assigning access rights to a template set
3313 Rebuilding Template Sets
3300 Adding users to a user group
3402 Disabling the Finalize HMDA data and lock screen check box
3103 MyCalyx Digital Key
3301 Adding users
3400 Applying rule definitions to users and user groups
3308 Assigning access rights to a Cardex Database
3403 Creating rules in PointCentral
3304 Removing data folders and templates
3611 Binding an SSL Certificate to PointCentral
3610 PointCentral Data Backup
3608 Detaching/Attaching SQL Database
3612 Modifying Settings through the PointCentral Configuration Wizard
1812 Exporting data from Point to Microsoft Access 2003
3315 Copying the HMDA Report from the default template set to a custom template set
3602 Restoring PointCentral data from a backup
3405 Determining if a rule is enabled or disabled
3303 Create a data folder in PointCentral
3201 Migrating data folders, templates, and Cardex databases to PointCentral
3102 Installing PointCentral For the First Time
6655 PointCentral - Forgot Username and Password
2760 Connecting/Reconnecting existing Templates Sets in PointCentral
See more
5101 Submitting a file to Fannie Mae
5500 Exporting data to UCD XML
5400 Requesting employment and income verifications from The Work Number
5203 Marking your loan as Refi Possible for submitting to Freddie Mac
5201 Submitting a Request through LPA S2S
5800 Preparing a loan for UCD export
5202 LPA evaluation statuses
5502 Specifying which AUS report to use in the UCD export
5802 Unpaid Balance Amount for ULDD export
5801 Exporting to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac ULDD Format
5405 Requesting an Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Report
5404 Requesting Flood Certification Reports
5403 Requesting or Importing Credit Reports
5401 Selecting an Investor or Investor Programs when submitting for Closing Documents or Initial Disclosures
5501 Adding the UCD document category and types manually
5000 Running final QM and populating the data in Point
5406 Requesting Title Reports
5407 Cannot View Credit in Point – View Credit button greyed out
The content of element 'DEAL_SETS' is not complete.
Code: 06 Invalid login name/password
Code 11 Missing UserPartyRoleIdentifier
Code 11 Missing alternateLoanIdentifier
Code 11 Code PLP0253 AUS Key could not be found.
Code: 11 Code PLP0247 you are requesting to release on a transaction that was not assigned to this counterparty.
DQC0660 Loan Status Identifier was not submitted
IVES Request Period Ending Dates
5505 Fannie Mae Common Error Codes
DQC0185 Borrower Residency Basis Type is required.
DQC0639 Estate Will be Held in (Property EstateType) was not submitted.
118306 Current Residence State missing
Unknown error 0x80072F76
PLP0273 Both Lender ID and Sponsored Originator EIN not allowed
Removing Freddie Mac Casefile ID for DocMagic UCD
DocMagic doubling the PMI MIP USDA
DQC0500 Provide borrower's residency history to cover most recent consecutive 24 months
DocMagic No Plan Code error.
DocMagic: Initial Disclosure in Point
DocMagic: Closing Disclosure in Point
Login Failure to DocMagic
DocMagic: Service Provider List
3500 Point V6 (MCR) NMLS Report Common Questions
5204 DC1303 The Refinance Cash Out Determination Type in Loan Quality Advisor
DocMagic: 5 Docs System Error Message: An XML validation error has occured - Workaround
1012 Transport Layer Security TLS Protocol Requirements
5507 Running Credit - Wrong Date of Birth
Doc Magic - 4506 Wage and Income transcript
DocMagic Closing Disclosure Purpose does not match Construction
DocMagic Construction to Perm Requirements
See more
System Articles
6464 – Consistent error sending Document Package
6463 Could not send package to eSignature 29-2
6510 Phase 2 Fannie Mae - Freddie Mac UCD Errors
6482 Invalid casefile ID error
Fannie Mae 3025 Freddie DQC053 CRIT0056 The amount of the Estimated Taxes, Insurance & Assessments is required
Fannie Mae 3018 Freddie DQC283 CRIT0042 The note amount is required and must be greater than $0.
Fannie Mae 3020 Freddie DQC111 CRIT0044 A buydown funding indicator is required.
Fannie Mae 3023 Freddie DQC109 CRIT0046 A Payment Penalty Indicator is required.
Fannie Mae 3412 Freddie DQC2800 CRIT0061 A Total Amt Due From Borrower is required.
Fannie Mae 3411 Freddie DQC796 CRIT0060 A cash to close item of Cash to Close Total with the final amount is required.
Fannie Mae 3062 Freddie DQC1558 CRIT0043 The interest rate is required.
Fannie Mae 3404 Freddie DQC2719 CRIT0057 A Total Closing Costs Amt is required in the Cash to Close table.
Fannie Mae 3573 3574 3583
Fannie Mae 3424 Freddie DQC3002 CRIT0066 The Deposit On Sales Contract amount is required and must be greater than or equal to $0.
Fannie Mae 3528
Fannie Mae 3560
Fannie Mae 3402 Freddie DQC4006 CRIT0050 Projected Payment Estimated Total Maximum Payment Amount is required.
Fannie Mae 3563
Fannie Mae 3004 Freddie DQC115 CRIT0047 An interest only indicator is required.
Fannie Mae 3021 Freddie DQC290 CRIT0045 DQC4000 CRIT0051 Payment Frequency
Fannie Mae 3414 Freddie DQC2801 CRIT0062 Paid By Borrower Amount is required.
Fannie Mae 3565
Fannie Mae 3024 Freddie DQC117 CRIT0048 A balloon indicator is required
Fannie Mae 3591 3647
Fannie Mae 3421 Freddie DQC2723 CRIT0065 Who Paid Closing Adjustment is required.
Fannie Mae 3553 3554
Fannie Mae 3599 3617
Fannie Mae 3572 3590
Fannie Mae 3537 3538
Fannie Mae 3526
Fannie Mae 3401 Freddie DQC058 CRIT0049 At least one Projected Payment Period is required.
Fannie Mae 3527
Fannie Mae 3557 3601 3635
Fannie 3529 3530
Fannie Mae 3533 3534
Fannie 3629
Fannie Mae 3568 3585 3604 3605 3606 3607 3614 Freddie DQC502 CRIT0116
Fannie Mae 3521 3539 3540
Fannie Mae 3515 3535 3536
Fannie 3508 3531 3532
Fannie 3596 3597 3598 3602 3615 3622 3644 DQC536 CRIT0245
Fannie Mae 3594 3616 3620 Freddie DQC2452 CRIT0230
Fannie Mae 3600 3618 3625
6314 Could not send package to INK-it error 29
Fannie 3506 3542 3550 3551 3555 3556 Freddie DQC2910 CRIT0125 DQC2911 CRIT0123 DQC1327 CRIT0126 DQC2917 CRIT0127
DQC054 CRIT0054 Estimated Taxes, Insurance & Assessments description is required
DQC057 CRIT0055 Payment Taxes Insurance Assessment Desc not required unless Type is other
DQC055 CRIT0053 Itemization of Taxes Insurance and Assessments amount required
DQC835 CRIT0066 No Earnest or Excess deposit for a Refinance
DQC2727 CRIT0063 Paid Already By or On Behalf of Borrower Type required
DQC2721 CRIT0064 Seller Credits are required and must be greater than or equal to $0
DQC2728 CRIT0059 Payoffs and Payments Total required in Cash to Close
DQC2720 CRIT0058 The Final Loan Amount is required in Cash to Close
3114 Interest Rate Required on Adjustable Amortization
3115 Interest Rate required on Buydown with False Subsidy Funding
3120 Homeowners Insurance Premium is required
3403 Projected Payment Estimated Tax and Insurance Type is required
3410 Integrated Disclosure Cash To Close Item is required
3415 Integrated Disclosure Amt Paid by Borrower required on Purchase
3416 Closing Adjustment Paid by Borrower Type required on Purchase
3417 Closing Adjustment Type Seller Credit required on Purchase when Paid By Borrower
3418 Closing Adjustment Seller Credit Amt required on Purchase when Item is Paid By Borrower
3419 Loan Adjustment Disclosure Subsection is required
3422 Closing Cost Fund UCD Paid by Borrower required
3423 Closing Cost Fund Type is required when Paid by Borrower
3413 UCD Section Amt required on Purchase when Integrated Disclosure due from Borrower
3420 Purchase Paid by Borrower Closing Adjustment other Credits Amount required
6321 SDK Error Codes: Activation errors on the development system or during runtime
6740 – Disclosure Document Crash or Cushion error
6490 Installation requires the use of Microsoft Edge version 87 or higher message
6752 Fannie Mae Out of Scope / Freddie Mac Critical Edit
6495 Loan Product Advisor Request: PLP0005 Error Message when running Freddie Mac LPA System-to-System
6489 User Not Found Error when installing Point using the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser
6434 Error when Submitting for Verifications through The Work Number
6016 Applying iupdates in Point
6015 Emailing Support from within Point
6496 AU and LP errors during Freddie Mac Loan Product Advisor (LPA S2S) submission
6380 Unable to retrieve printer device
6322 PDS Error Codes: A list of PointCentral Error Codes
6617 View Credit button non-responsive/Library not registered error
6499 Object encoding type required error
6474 Valuation method required error
6400 Winpoint.exe system error
6007 Opening a Windows command prompt as an administrator
6721 Electronic signature date stamp shows loan out of compliance
6730 UCD document category or type options are not available in document management
6401 Point stops working when selecting a document for UCD export
6402 Point stops working when opening Document Management
6012 Updating Windows
6706 HMDA report missing from PointCentral
6013 General security update instructions
6014 Setting access rights and securing data folders
6651 Closing costs or prepaid finance charges do not calculate correctly
6408 No printout information found
6609 Entering the VA Funding Fee
6425 Auto file naming algorithm has hit its limit. No more files can be created.
6462 Connectivity error occurs after a Windows update
6407 Point freezes when converting PDF
6620 The Send button is missing in Outlook when launching e-mail from Point
6703 Expired SSL Certificate
6360 UCDP user not authenticated error
6342 Evaluation errors submitting ULDD files to Freddie Mac Selling System
6650 Lender-Paid Compensation to Broker does not print on Loan Estimate
6639 Windows update that affects PDF Conversion in Point
6005 Deleting all Amyuni driver versions
6701 Files created offline do not import
6305 Compatibility error when creating a new borrower file with a master template
6010 Deleting all files in the applications Work directory
6304 Credit status error when requesting credit from CoreLogic CREDCO
6441 Point LEF Errors
6301 Point Administrator MFC Application has encountered a problem and needs to close
6008 Uninstalling Microsoft .NET Framework
6009 Running the Microsoft .NET Framework cleanup utility
6011 Renaming the fannie.ini file
6453 Fannie Mae DO/DU exception has thrown error
6001 Running Point Administrator as an administrator
6002 Copying the winpoint.ini file
6310 No Matches Found error (Geocoding Lookup)
6447 Section of the Act error (118347) when submitting to Fannie Mae
6003 Running Point as an administrator
6341 No Loan Programs were found error
6645 Exporting Reports to Excel causes the Conversation Log to display ####
6627 Months for prepaid items are automatically recalculated
6616 Anti-Steering screen does not align columns correctly
6426 The template specified a column (column name) which does not exist in the input data file
6414 Unspecified failure has occurred / msmapi failure / valid session ID does not exist / Outlook does not launch when e-mailing from Point
6640 E-mailing a file or form opens Outlook, but clicking Send does nothing
6629 Total Loan Amount not reporting correctly on HMDA report
6418 External Component has thrown an exception
6644 The text of an e-mail is not sent when e-mailing files from Point
6424 Column width does not belong to table...
6421 Install.exe generates error code 126: specified module could not be found and code 1797: printer unknown
6420 Install.exe generates error code 997: Overlapping I/O operation is in progress
6415 Failed to create c:\....\Forms(Legal).pdf
6423 PCF file could not be extracted
6622 Only 1 custom form is generated when e-mailing multiple custom forms
6422 PCF Failed to get Auto File Name
6419 We're sorry but this install type is not available
6416 Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Webservices2...opening a Point attachment
6336 Parameter Incorrect/Common Language Runtime... Application has generated an exception that could not be handled...accessing Custom Screens
6337 Common Language Runtime...Application has generated an exception that could not be handled...opening/printing Verifications
6607 Truth-In-Lending Disclosure prints separately for married borrowers
6338 Unable to grant you access to any of the data folder you selected. Please try again
6340 Failed to load resources from resource file, please check your setup
6643 Populate Liabilities is empty after requesting credit
6439 Response file cannot be read
6602 Help links display the same parameters for all files
6339 Common Language Runtime...Application has generated an exception that could not be handled / Parameter Incorrect...when opening a file from the search list
6626 Credit scores or factors do not import into Point
6437 Error on line 3 Position 271
6603 The Navigation Panel is stretched across the entire screen
6375 Internal Server Error
6442 Incorrect data was returned when requesting credit
6435 Failed to read the credit provider profile
6300 There is an error with the setting of Fee Worksheet to Fees - AMT
6436 The transaction could not be registered with Calyx for some reason..The underlying connection was closed: The remote name could not be resolved
6642 Duplicate credit reports returned for different requests
6438 Error on Line 3 Position 208
6433 Connection Error: 12019/12029 Point was unable to connect with
6604 Duplicate MIN Numbers
6444 Code: REQ-000 The principal does not have permission to access this resource
6432 Code A:50 Source Credit Bureau: unable to find specified checkbox product
6443 Point was unable to connect to ....network connection no longer available...system.net/defaultproxy
6601 Duplicate Files
6700 Custom rule is not triggered when loan is closed
6372 If Loan Originator is "Correspondent", the Correspondent SFC must be provided error
6371 THIRD_PARTY_DELIVERY is part of the combined export
6369 Message/Deal_Sets/Deal_Set/Deals/Deal Loans/Loan/Loan_State/Loanstatedate
6006 Deleting the PointCentral folder cache
6343 If LTV exceeds 80%, MI Certificate Number is required
6702 Unable to modify existing files on PointCentral
6344 PMI Coverage must be greater than or equal to 16%
6357 A Financial Institution is missing. Provide the data
6368 Cannot insert the value NULL into column Average Prime Offer Rate APR Spread table LOS Prod dbo BatchLoan: column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated
6370 Fatal Error ? 608 No flood insurance code found. A Special Feature Code of 170, 175, or 180 is required for each loan
6365 PartyRoleType = LoanSeller is missing value
6704 Verifying and removing duplicate fields
6359 Citizenship Residency Type is required for the primary Borrower
6356 A valid Property Type is required
6615 GFE Service Providers list does not print the list of providers
6431 Multiple step ole db operation generated errors, check each ole db status value if available - no work was done
6367 Unsupported operation error
6366 Error: Fatal Execution Engine Error...when opening Point
6373 CLR 80004005. The program will now terminate error
6364 Failed to initialize com objects error
6362 Error: Invalid Argument
6346 Point does not open
6363 Pointstarter.exe has stopped working or Point has encountered a problem and needs to close
6358 Point Opens Briefly Before Closing
6628 Unable to access the document repository or open documents
6600 Documents stored in the document repository do not display correctly
6386 AutoWord Command Not Available
6387 Word could not finish merging these documents or inserting this database
6388 Word found locked fields during update. Word cannot update the locked fields
6391 Runtime error in Program C:\Winpoint\AutoWord.exe?
6403 None of the data folders are accessible at this time
6392 Windows could not print due to the current printer setup
6390 Unable to update / Rebuild Index file.
6381 Point freezes when e-mailing/printing custom forms
6382 Could not find the file. Verify that the correct path/file name are given
6393 Word cannot start the converter mswrd632
6395 The OpenDataSource2000 method or property is not available because the object refers to a protected area of the document
6637 Data Folders randomly disappear and re-appear
6383 Word could not fire the event
6397 The file is being used by someone else. Do you want to open the file as READ-ONLY mode?
6384 Normal.dot in use
6406 Data folder security error
6396 Word cannot start the converter SSPDFCFG_x64
6385 Invalid Class String
6306 Class not registered
6404 The data folder is owned by someone else, or it cannot be reached at this time
6731 Fannie Mae freezes during submission
6394 Open Data Source 2000
6429 Index is out of bounds of the array
6374 An object is not set to an instance of an object
6451 Fannie Mae Request error commserver error/netrequest...is not marked as serializable
6457 Request Error: Forbidden (403) when submitting to Fannie Mae
6452 Creating dispatch failed
6427 Could not lock file
6455 Point was unable to communicate with Fannie Mae Servers
6450 Request Error. Fannie Mae DO/DU exception has thrown
6428 ....pnttempl\database\pointcdx.mdb is not a valid path
6454 Error retrieving data
6458 Exception of type Fannie Mae DODU.Common.DODUException was thrown
6648 Shortcut toolbar is missing forms
6456 0xe0434f4d / Point crashes when viewing Fannie Mae results
6446 User Not Authenticated
6430 You cannot make changes to the design of the database at this replica
6399 All folders inaccessible error
6732 Fannie Mae prompts to save servicerouter.aspx
6448 Institution ID not specified in the request...is not valid for the user ID / Not a valid institution for this user. Index out of range...
6618 MyCalyx Installation Proxy/Firewall Troubleshooting
6635 Login box disappears after entering password
6624 My computer crashed - how do I install Point on another computer?
6377 Setup cannot access windows installer components. Setup cannot continue
6347 Error 1935: An error occurred during installation of the assembly component
6350 Cannot find cdintf450.dll or cdintf550.dll
6353 Unable to load pdk.dll
6320 Error Code -37: The file you requested is currently in use or reserved by ( )
6307 Error 1606: Could not access network location
6636 A Windows Installer message appears with command switches, when attempting to install Point
6354 Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor
6405 Parameter Incorrect in Point Administrator
6378 You do not have sufficient privileges to update the registry
6619 Connecting/Creating data folders from Point Administrator do not appear or save
6349 Unhandled exception has occurred in your application... An unexpected error occurred on a send
6379 Invalid Template Path
6323 The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship with remote server
6352 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed
6398 Template settings were not found. This may not be a valid Point Template Directory
6348 Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specific log file location exists and is writable
6345 PointStarter has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution
6355 The difference between the request time and the current time is too large
6653 Point Administrator changes do not save
6351 Point is not properly installed on your computer
6649 Updating Point to latest version but the old version still opens
6623 Nothing happens when you click the Install button from the MyCalyx installation web page
6612 Negative Cash Flow is doubled on the Combined Transmittal Summary when there is a Co-Borrower 1
6611 Incorrect CLTV Calculation
6311 PDS Error Code -3: The maximum allowed number of tasks per list has been reached
6329 PDS Error Code -4: The maximum allowed number of loans per list has been reached
6606 Anti-Steering Disclosure does not calculate Cash to Close correctly
6614 Statement of Credit Denial does not print credit bureau address
6309 PDS Error Code -5: The maximum number of Cardex records per list has been reached
6613 Prepaid Finance Charges do not total correctly
6328 PDS Error Code -11: Client internal error. Invalid condition in request
6313 File not found. No user folder settings have been specified
6326 PDS Error Code -38: The loan you have requested is currently not accessible
6327 PointCentral server is not properly licensed and unable to log you in
6319 The Underlying connection was closed...Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream
6411 Printing reports causes Point to crash with an error, or the report prints nonsense text
6332 The time on the PDS server is more than 24 hours
6333 PDS Error Code - 105: Representative Name Mismatch. You are only allowed to save your own files
6324 Underlying Connection was closed... The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure
6316 Point could not connect to Point Data Server...Unable to generate a temporary class
6331 Point could not connect to Point Data Server...Response is not well-formed XML...WSE 1608...no XOP parts were located in the stream
6633 Printing from Point produces blank pages
6330 Restore failed for Server... Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use
6334 Error: Point could not connect to Point Data Server...Unable to connect to remote server
6412 Printing a verification form causes Point to close or crash with an error
6335 Error Reading File, it may be corrupt / The user's Folder Settings are not found...contact your Point System Administrator
6646 The Open Access Offering Identifier does not transfer to Loan Prospector
6410 Could not start print driver
6625 Some forms print half a page or legal forms print on letter
6325 PDS Error Code -1: One or more requested Point fields are not currently supported by the Point Data Server
6739 Credit agency missing from the Freddie Mac Loan Prospect Screen
6735 Interest Only identifier does not transfer to Freddie Mac Loan Prospector
6736 Co-Borrower 1 information does not transfer to Freddie Mac
6734 Mortgage Payments removed when submitting to LP
6737 Common Problems With the Freddie Mac Interface
6733 The current residence indicator does not transfer to Loan Prospector
6608 Truth-In-Lending does not print correctly
6409 Temp.brw was not found
6632 Calyx Point has encountered a problem it could not recover from...printing a marketing form
6641 Enabling the discount and credit fields in section 2 of the Fees Worksheet
6638 Blank Credit Reports
6647 The months field for the "First Change Can occur in" on the GFE does not populate
3047 Construction Loan, Loan Maturity Period Count Required
3122 Ability to Repay Exemption Reason Type Required
3123 Loan Price Quote Interest Rate Percent Required
3125 Excluded Bona Fide Discount Point Indicator Required
Fannie 3126 Freddie CRIT0036 Excluded Bona Fide Discount Points Percent Required
Fannie 3128 Freddie CRIT0039 Regulation Z Total Points and Fees Amount Required
3133 Loan Manual Indicator Required
3134 Appraisal Document File Identifier Required
3174 Disbursement Date Error
3301 Integrated Disclosure Issued Date Required
3302 Late Charge Amount Required
3304 Late Charge Percent Required
3305 A Late Charge Type is Required
3306 Construction Total Term Months Count Required
3307 Disbursement Date Required
Fannie Mae 3311 UCD: Regulation Z Total Affiliate Fees Amount Required
3317 Liability Secured by Subject Property Indicator Required
3316 Integrated Disclosure Section Total Amount Required
3002 Subject Property Postal Code
3007 The Escrow Indicator is Required
3008 The Closing Date is Required
3009 Personal Property Included Indicator
3010 Mortgage Type is Required
3011 MI Required Indicator
3012 Assumability Indicator Required
3015 Annual Percentage Rate Required
3016 Construction Loan Indicator Required
3017 Amortization Type Required
3026 Ability to Repay Method Type Required
3027 Average Prime Offer Rate Percent Required
3028 Lien Priority Type Required
3029 The Regulation Z Total Loan Amount Required
Fannie 3030 Freddie CRIT0029 Current Rate Set Date Required
3031 Loan Purpose Type Required
Fannie 3039 Freddie CRIT0026 Automated Underwriting System Type Required
3042 Real Property Amount Required
3043 Sales Contract Amount Required
3044 Property Valuation Amount or Property Estimated Value Amount Required
6312 Resolving UCD Freddie Mac Critical Edits
CRIT0002 The closing date is required
CRIT0003 A disbursement date is required
CRIT0020 An escrow indicator is required
CRIT0001 The Closing Disclosure Issued Date is required
CRIT0008 A valuation amount or an estimated amount is required for the subject property
CRIT0016 A late charge type is required and must be a valid enumeration
CRIT0018 A grace period is required for a PercentageOfTotalPayment late payment type
CRIT0023 The ability to repay exemption reason type is required and must be 'LoanProgram' or 'PropertyUsage'
CRIT0022 The ability to repay method type is required and must be 'Exempt' or 'General'
CRIT0032 The mortgage loan interest rate for which the price quote is calculated is required
CRIT0028 The Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR) is required
CRIT0033 The Regulation Z excluded bona fide discount points are required when the corresponding indicator is true
CRIT0035 The Regulation Z total calculated loan amount is required
DQC737 The Regulation Z total calculated points and fees amount is required
CRIT0037 - Indicate if the liability submitted in the Payoff & Payments section is secured by the subject property OR An indication of whether the liability is secured by the subject property is req
CRIT0040 The total Payoffs and Payments amount is required for a refinance loan on the Alternate Disclosure
CRIT0038 A liability type is required and must be a valid enumeration in the Payoffs and Payments section
6751 Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting resources
6413 Attachment containing data file could not be created
6657 - Point Crash when Viewing Documents or Launching Vendors
6656 - Point Crash when Printing
6459 - Point Crash - Best Practice
DocMagic Loan Conditions
See more
Webcaster Articles
4000 Sending documents for electronic signature
4205 Changing WebCaster Outgoing Email Settings to use an External Email Server
4203 Enabling email notifications for direct download option
4200 Resetting the WebCaster Loan Application and Loan Status password
4004 Adding e-signature fields to Custom Forms
0649 Federal Trade Commission Red Flag Enforcement
4204 Resending a WebCaster Online Loan Application to Point
4902 Inserting the "Like" icon for Facebook
4901 CNAME Change for all other Domain Name Providers
4202 Enabling Loan Originators to receive online applications
4003 Downloading Online Loan Applications
4201 Configuring WebCaster to download online applications
See more
Point Mobile
2758 Point Mobile Editable Fields
2757 Point Mobile 2.1
2755 Update existing loan files from your mobile device
2756 Creating new loan files from your mobile device
2753 Securing a data folder for Point Mobile
2754 Configuring Point Mobile to synch with your Point files
2759 Requirements for using Point Mobile on your mobile device
2750 Using Point Mobile with Point and PointCentral
See more