Before submitting a file to Fannie Mae DO/DU, you must have credentials entered under Utilities > Fannie Mae Connectivity... and have run credit on the borrower(s) within Point.
For instructions on pulling credit, refer to knowledgebase article 5403 Requesting or Importing Credit Reports.
1. Open the file you want to submit for DO/DU Findings.
2. From the top toolbar, select Services > Fannie Mae > Fannie Mae DO/DU.
3. Use the Transaction Request Type dropdown to make your service selection.
a. For the initial run, the Credit & Underwriting selection must be selected so the credit reference number can be sent to Fannie Mae.
b. For any further runs, if not updating the credit report and only sending updates made to the file itself, Underwriting Only can be selected.
4. Use the Submission Type dropdown to make your submission type selection.
- Interim
- Preliminary (for certain types of loans)
- Final
5. Use the Lender dropdown to select from your list of available lenders.
a. If the list does not seem to be fully or properly populated with the lenders your company works with, click the Refresh Lender button.
6. Use the Credit Company dropdown to select the company you initially pulled credit through.
a. When selecting the Fannie Mae Credit Credential checkbox, use the credentials provided specifically for Fannie Mae if applicable.
7. Click the Submit button.
Note: If this your first time to submit to DO/DU or you have not set your credentials under Utilities > Fannie Mae Connectivity... the Fannie Mae Connectivity dialog box will open for you to enter and save your credentials.
8. The Casefile ID# field will populate with a unique number issued by Fannie Mae on the file's first submission. This is not a manual entry field.
9. All returned documents will automatically store in the Document Manager for this file.