6328 PDS Error Code -11: Client internal error. Invalid condition in request


When you generate a report, the following error occurs:

"PDS Error Code -11 Client internal error: Invalid condition in request."



There is an invalid condition entered into the report template.



1. From the left navigation panel, select Templates.
2. From the Templates panel, select Reports & Marketing.
3. Double-click the report that generates the error.

6328 a
4. Scroll to the field that has a condition entered.  (Fields with conditions can be identified by the parameter "AU: cn", which will appear in the Condition column.
6328 b
5. Double-click the field to open the condition.
6. Remove all fields in the condition or enter the appropriate condition parameters.
7. Click OK and save the report template.

6328 c

8. Go to the Reports & Marketing tab.
9. Re-select your report from the Select Reports dropdown list.  (Your saved changes to the report template will not take affect until you re-select the report from the select reports dropdown list.)
10. Generate the report.