When you generate a report, the following error occurs:
"PDS Error Code -11 Client internal error: Invalid condition in request."
There is an invalid condition entered into the report template.
1. From the left navigation panel, select Templates.2. From the Templates panel, select Reports & Marketing.
3. Double-click the report that generates the error.
4. Scroll to the field that has a condition entered. (Fields with conditions can be identified by the parameter "AU: cn", which will appear in the Condition column.
6. Remove all fields in the condition or enter the appropriate condition parameters.
7. Click OK and save the report template.
8. Go to the Reports & Marketing tab.
9. Re-select your report from the Select Reports dropdown list. (Your saved changes to the report template will not take affect until you re-select the report from the select reports dropdown list.)
10. Generate the report.