6704 Verifying and removing duplicate fields


Duplicate fields are detected in the Additional Fields table.



New fields are potentially added to the Supported Fields table in each version of PointCentral. If any new fields were manually added to the Additional Fields table prior to the release where they were added as supported fields, duplicate fields will result. Having duplicate fields requires you to update your Additional Fields table, depending on your customization preferences.



After a successful update of PointCentral, it is necessary to review your Additional and Supported Fields tables for any duplicated fields. To access these tables use the following steps:


1.  Login to the PointCentral Administration site.

2.  Select Configuration > Point Fields > Additional Fields from the navigation pane.

3.  Document all fields that were added to the Additional Fields table. You will need to compare this list to the Supported Fields table.
4.  Select Configuration > Point Fields > Supported Fields from the navigation pane.
5.  Compare the Additional Fields you documented in step 3 with the fields in the Supported Fields table.
6.Note any duplicate fields for removal from the Additional Fields table.
7.  Return to the Additional Fields screen (Configuration > Point Fields > Additional Fields).
8.  Click the Delete icon that corresponds to each duplicate field.
9.  After you have removed all duplicate fields, perform a Full Force Synchronization.