3903 Importing a Cardex Database

Exporting Cardex records from an existing Cardex Database

Note: Before you can import a Cardex database into PointCentral, you must first export it from Point.

If any of the records have at least one entry, it is not necessary to delete.

The record will display in the results as in the following example:

This example uses the CardexExport directory, on the C drive (C:\).

    1. Go to a computer that is not configured for PointCentral but where the Cardex records are accessible.
    2. Select Utilities > Cardex Database.
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    3. Click Search.
    4. Delete any empty records from the beginning of the search results.
    5. Remove any entries that begin with a space or special character.
    6. Open the record and delete the space or special character.
    7. Click Save & Close.
    8. Repeat for any other records that have spaces or special characters at the beginning of the entry.
    9. Select File > Export to Calyx PDS from the Cardex Database dialog box.3903 b
 10. Select a location to save the Cardex records from the Export Cardex dialog box.


Importing Cardex records to an existing Cardex Database

Note: A Cardex database must already exist in PointCentral before you can import Cardex records.

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    1. Copy the generatedPointCardex.xml file from the computer to the CardexImport folder on the PointCentral server located at …Program files (x86)\Calyx Software\PointCentral\filesync\CardexImport.
    2. Open the PointCentral Administration site.
    3. Enter your login credentials (for example, https://mypdsserver.calyxpds.com/admin) and click Login.
    4. If a Cardex database does not already exist in PointCentral, create one by selecting Cardex Database > Add Cardex Database from the left navigation panel.
    5. Enter the Cardex database Name and click Add Cardex Database.
    6. Select Configuration > Import > Cardex Database.3903 d
7. Select the PointCentral Cardex Database from where you want to import the Cardex records and click Import Cardex Database.

8. Click the Status page link or select Status from the left navigation pane.

9. When the Cardex database import is completed, assign access permissions to users or user groups.

Note: To merge a Cardex database with one you exported previously, select one that already exists. To import a Cardex database without merging it with an existing database, create a new Cardex as described earlier in this article.

A message is displayed that indicates which Cardex database will be updated.

The action is displayed on the Requested Actions: Done section of the Status page when completed.