6368 Cannot insert the value NULL into column Average Prime Offer Rate APR Spread table LOS Prod dbo BatchLoan: column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated


An error occurs when you export a Point file to ULDD and upload it to another system:

"Cannot insert the value NULL into column “Average Prime Offer Rate APR Spread” table LOS Prod dbo BatchLoan: column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated"


The Rate Spread has been left blank. You must enter a Rate Spread or enter a value but the field cannot be left blank.

This article is intended for exporting to Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac ULDD.

If you are not exporting to ULDD but rather you are generating the HMDA Report and you are trying to enter NA for the Rate Spread; then simply leave the Rate Spread blank and Point will populate "NA" for the rate spread in the exported HMDA.DAT file.


Enter the Rate Spread on the HMDA screen

  1. Open the Point file and from the menu bar, select Track > HMDA.
  2. In the Loan Information section, enter the Rate Spread or a value into the Rate Spread field.

If you are generating a HMDA Report, leaving the Rate Spread blank will populate NA into the HMDA.DAT exported file.