2403 Completing the FHA/VA Addendum to URLA - HUD form 92900-A

Complete the Loan Application and Fees Worksheet as you would for any FHA loan. Many fields from these screens will populate form 92900-A.


1. Open the FHA/VA Addendum to URLA screen from the Forms menu.

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2. Items 1 through 3 will automatically populate from your entries in other screens.
3. Select the Section of the Act (FHA loan type) from the dropdown menu.

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4. Items 5 through 12 will automatically populate from your entries in other screens.
5. Complete items 13 through 25 as applicable to your lending institution, the borrower, and the transaction.
    1. The Approved or Modified & Approved section contains automatically populated fields and fields that require data entry.

The following screen illustrates the fields that are automatically populated from other screens in the loan.

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6. To print the form, click the printer icon to open the Borrower Forms dialog box.
7. Select either of the two available options:
     92900-A After 08/01/16 or
     92900-A Prior to 08/01/16

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Note: The underwriter CHUMS ID number populates the printed form from the FHA Transmittal Summary.

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