Phase 2 of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac UCD error messages.
Fannie 3020 - Freddie DQC111/CRIT0044.
- Buydown Temporary Subsidy Funding Indicator is required. Provide the data as True or False.
- A buydown funding indicator is required.
Fannie 3004 - Freddie DQC115/CRIT0047.
- Interest Only Indicator is required. Provide the data as True or False.
- An interest only indicator is required.
Fannie 3018 - Freddie DQC283/CRIT0042.
- Note Amount is required. Data must be numeric up to 9 digits, with up to 2 decimal places.
- The note amount is required and must be greater than $0.
Fannie 3025 Freddie DQC053 CRIT0056.
- Projected Payment Estimated Taxes Insurance Assessment Total Amount is required. Data must be numeric up to 9 digits, with up to 2 decimal points.
- The amount of the Estimated Taxes, Insurance & Assessments is required.
Fannie 3401 Freddie DQC058 CRIT0049.
- At least one Projected Payment Sequence Number must be equal to 1.
- At least one projected payment period is required.
Fannie 3023 Freddie DQC109 CRIT0046.
- Prepayment Penalty Indicator is required. Provide the data as True or False.
- A payment penalty indicator is required.
Fannie 3024 Freddie DQC117 CRIT0048.
- Balloon Indicator is required. Provide the data as True or False.
- A balloon indicator is required.
Fannie 3021 Freddie DQC290 CRIT0045 DQC4000 CRIT0051.
- Payment Frequency Type is required and must be a valid enumeration.
- The frequency of the mortgage payment is required.
- A valid frequency type for the mortgage payment is required for the first projected payment.
Fannie 3062 Freddie DQC1558 CRIT0043.
- The interest rate is required and must be 'NoteRatePercent', 'WeightedAverageInterestRate', 'DisclosedFullyIndexedRatePercent', or 'BuydownInitialEffectiveInterestRatePercent'.
- The interest rate is required.
Fannie 3206
- DocumentType is required and must be equal to Other.
Fannie 3212
-The ObjectEncodingType is required and must be equal to Base64.
Fannie 3411 Freddie DQC796 CRIT0060.
- When Integrated Disclosure Cash To lose Item Type of CashToCloseTotal is provided, the Integrated Disclosure Cash To Close Item Final Amount is required.
- A cash to close item of Cash to Close Total with the final amount is required.
Fannie 3404 Freddie DQC2719 CRIT0057.
- At least one Integrated Disclosure Cash To Close Item Type of TotalClosingCosts must be provided.
- A Total Closing Costs final amount is required in the Cash to Close table.
Fannie 3421 Freddie DQC2723 CRIT0065.
- When Loan Purpose is equal to Purchase, and Loan Closing Adjustment Item Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is provided, and Loan Closing Adjustment Item SubSection Type is equal to Other Credits, and the Loan Closing Adjustment Item Amount is provided, the Closing Adjustment Item Paid By Individual Full Name Or Closing Adjustment Item Paid By Legal Entity Full Name are required.
- An indication of who paid the closing adjustment is required.
Fannie 3412 Freddie DQC2800 CRIT0061.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, at least one Integrated Disclosure Section Type of DueFromBorrowerAtClosing must be provided.
- A total amount Due From Borrower At Closing is required and must be greater than or equal to $0.
Fannie 3414 Freddie DQC2801 CRIT0062.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, at least one Integrated Disclosure Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing must be provided.
- The Paid Already By Or On Behalf Of Borrower At Closing Amount is required and must be greater than or equal to $0.
Fannie 3424 Freddie DQC3002 CRIT0066.
- The Deposit On Sales Contract amount is required and must be greater than or equal to $0.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, and Closing Cost Fund UCD Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is provided, and ClosingCostFundTypeCode is DepositOnSalesContract, the ClosingCostFundAmount is required.
Fannie 3402 Freddie DQC4006 CRIT0050.
- Projected Payment Estimated Total Maximum Payment Amount is required.
- The estimated total maximum payment is required for the first projected payment and must be greater than or equal to $0.
Freddie DQC054 CRIT0054.
- A description for the 'Other' line item in Estimated Taxes, Insurance & Assessments is required.
Freddie DQC057 CRIT0055.
- A Projected Payment Estimated Taxes Insurance Assessment Component Type Other Description should not be provided unless the Projected Payment Estimated Taxes Insurance Assessment Component Type is Other.
Freddie DQC055 CRIT0053.
- An itemization of the Estimated Taxes, Insurance & Assessments amount is required.
Freddie DQC835 CRIT0066.
- An earnest money deposit or excess deposit should not appear on a refinance transaction.
Freddie DQC2727 CRIT0063.
- The Paid Already By Or On Behalf Of Borrower Of Borrower At Closing Section Type is required when there is a Closing Adjustment Item Amount.
Freddie DQC2721 CRIT0064.
- Seller Credits are required and must be greater than or equal to $0.
Freddie DQC2728 CRIT0059.
- A Total Payoffs and Payments final amount is required in the Cash to Close table.
Freddie DQC2720 CRIT0058.
- The Final Loan Amount is required in the Cash to Close table.
Fannie 3114.
- When Amortization Type is Adjustable Rate, the interest rate is required and must be 'NoteRatePercent' or 'DisclosedFullyIndexedRatePercent'.
Fannie 3115.
- When the Buydown Temporary Subsidy Funding Indicator is False, the interest rate is required and must be 'NoteRatePercent' or 'DisclosedFullyIndexedRatePercent' or 'WeightedAverageInterestRatePercent'.
Fannie 3120.
- If Prepaid Item Type equals Homeowners Insurance Premium, then Prepaid Item Actual Payment Amount for Homeowners Insurance Premium is required.
Fannie 3403.
- Projected Payment Estimated Taxes and Insurance Component Type is required when ProjectedPaymentEstimatedTaxesInsuranceAssementTotatAmount is greater than 0.
Fannie 3410.
- At least one Integrated Disclosure Cash To Close Item Type of CashToCloseTotal is required.
Fannie 3413.
- When Loan purpose Type is equal to Purchase, and Integrated Disclosure Section Type is equal to DueFromBorrowerAtClosing, the UCD Section Total Amount must be present and equal to or greater than zero.
Fannie 3415.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, and Integrated Disclosure Section Type is equal to PaidAlreadyOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing, the Integrated Disclosure Section Total Amount must be present and equal to or greater than zero.
Fannie 3416.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, at least one Loan Closing Adjustment Item Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is required.
Fannie 3417.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, and Loan Closing Adjust Item Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is provided, the Closing Adjustment Item Type of SellerCredit is required.
Fannie 3418.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, and Loan Closing Adjustment Item Section Type od PaidAlreadyOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is provided, and Closing Adjustment Item Type is equal to SellerCredit, Loan Closing Adjustment Item Amount is required.
Fannie 3419.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, and Loan Closing Adjustment Item Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is provided, and Loan Closing Adjustment Item Amount is not equal to zero, the Loan Adjustment item Integrated Disclosure Subsection Type is required.
Fannie 3420.
- When Loan Purpose is equal to Purchase, and Loan Closing Adjustment Item Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is provided, and Loan Closing Adjustment Item SubSection Type is equal to OtherCredits, the Loan Closing Adjustment Item Amount is required.
Fannie 3422.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, Closing Cost Fund UCD Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is required.
Fannie 3423.
- When Loan Purpose Type is equal to Purchase, and Closing Cost Fund UCD Section Type of PaidAlreadyByOrOnBehalfOfBorrowerAtClosing is provided, and Closing Cost Fund Amount is greater than or equal to zero, the Closing Cost Fund Type is required.
Fannie 3311.
- Regulation Z Total Affiliate Fees Amount Required..