Resolve for Freddie DQC2728 CRIT0059:
- A Total Payoffs and Payments final amount is required in the Cash to Close table.
1. Open the loan file in Point.
2. Navigate to Forms > Closing Disclosure > Page 3 from the top menu.
3. Verify that entries for Total Payoffs and Payments (K) are populated as applicable.
To populate the Loan Estimate column:
1. Navigate to the Loan Estimate.
2. Click the Payoffs & Adjustments button at the bottom of the screen.
3. Verify that all entries in the Payoffs and Payments have Amounts entered.
To populate the Final column:
1. Navigate to the Closing Disclosure.
2. Click the Payoffs & Payments button at the bottom of the screen.
3. Verify that all entries are completed and have Amounts entered.
4. Click the Pg3 button from the bottom of the screen.
5. The Total Payoffs and Payments (K) fields should now be populated.