DQC2728 CRIT0059 Payoffs and Payments Total required in Cash to Close

Resolve for Freddie DQC2728 CRIT0059:

- A Total Payoffs and Payments final amount is required in the Cash to Close table.


1. Open the loan file in Point.

2. Navigate to Forms > Closing Disclosure > Page 3 from the top menu.

3. Verify that entries for Total Payoffs and Payments (K) are populated as applicable.

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To populate the Loan Estimate column:

1. Navigate to the Loan Estimate.

2. Click the Payoffs & Adjustments button at the bottom of the screen.

3. Verify that all entries in the Payoffs and Payments have Amounts entered.

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To populate the Final column:

1. Navigate to the Closing Disclosure.

2. Click the Payoffs & Payments button at the bottom of the screen.

3. Verify that all entries are completed and have Amounts entered.

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4. Click the Pg3 button from the bottom of the screen.

5. The Total Payoffs and Payments (K) fields should now be populated.

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