Resolve for Fannie 3402 Freddie DQC4006 CRIT0050:
- Projected Payment Estimated Total Maximum Payment Amount is required.
- The estimated total maximum payment is required for the first projected payment and must be greater than or equal to $0.
1. Open the loan file in Point.
2. Navigate to Forms > Closing Costs Worksheet from the top menu.
3. Scroll down to section G. Initial Escrow Payment at Closing.
4. Verify any entry lines with data are fully completed.
5. Navigate to the Closing Disclosure > Page 1.
6. Scroll down to the Projected Payments section.
7. Verify there is an amount populating a minimum of the first Estimated Total Monthly Payment fields, depending on the loan type.
8. If this field is blank, the Term/Due needs to be completed in the Loan Summary section of the Borrower Information screen.