DQC057 CRIT0055 Payment Taxes Insurance Assessment Desc not required unless Type is other

Resolve for Freddie DQC057 CRIT0055:

- A Projected Payment Estimated Taxes Insurance Assessment Component Type Other Description should not be provided unless the Projected Payment Estimated Taxes Insurance Assessment Component Type is Other.


1. Open the loan file in Point.

2. Navigate to Forms > Closing Disclosure > Page 1 from the top menu.

3. Scroll down to the Projected Payments section.

4. Take note of the This Estimate Includes checkbox section.

5. The field for the Other checkbox should not be populated unless it is also marked to be included in the estimate.

DQC057 a

6. Navigate to the Closing Costs Worksheet.

7. Scroll to section G. Initial Escrow Payment at Closing.

8. Verify any entry lines are fully completed or blanked as applicable to the loan.

DQC057 b