Fannie 3039 Freddie CRIT0026 Automated Underwriting System Type Required

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- If the Loan Manual Underwriting Indicator is false, then the Automated Underwriting System Type is required and must be a valid enumeration.

- The 'Other' Automated Underwriting System type (AUS) is required and must be 'DecisionEngine', 'FirstMortgageCreditScore', 'GuaranteedUnderwritingSystem', 'LoanProductAdvisor' or 'UCD'.

1. Open the file in Point.

2. Select Banker > Underwriting from the top menu.

3. Scroll to the Automated Underwriting section.

4. All fields for the Fannie Mae AUS Type must be completed and checked, along with the Include in UCD checkbox.


Fannie 3039