1408 Generating mailing labels

Using pre-defined marketing labels

  1. Open Point.
  2. From the Navigation panel, select Report & Marketing.
  3. Click Marketing.
  4. Select the appropriate marketing label:
    • Calyx Marketing - Address Labels (Property Address)
    • Calyx Marketing - Borrower Address Labels (Mailing Address)
    • Calyx Marketing - Co-borrower Address Labels (Mailing Address)

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The Label Option Window appears.

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The Address Labels Report window appears.

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  1. From the Status box, select the status of the loans needed to generate the report. Click [ALL] for all loans with any status. (For example: Select Open if you only want opened loans to appear.)
  2. Use the Status Date Between: fields to select a specific date range for the report. (For example: Select 01/01/2007 through 06/01/2007 to generate only loans which the status falls between these dates.)
  3. Select a LoanRep or Processor if you want the labels to generate for a specific loan officer's or processor's files.
  4. Click Generate.
  5. Select the type of labels you are printing.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Generate.
  8. The results from the address labels report are automatically generated on labels in Microsoft Word.
  9. Insert your labels into the printer.
  10. From the Marketing Tools - Labels window, click Print.
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