1. Clean Uninstall Point KB-1005-uninstalling-point.
2. Update Microsoft Edge Webview2.
- Open the Windows Control Panel
- Select Programs and Features
- Right click Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime
- Select Change and Repair
3. Rename C:\Winpoint.
4. Remove/Rename the following DLL files from folder C:\Windows\System32.
- acpdf.dll, pdfcreactivex.dll, pdfcreactivex650.dll
- Also remove above from folder C:\Windows\SysWOW64
5. Remove Calyx Converter. KB 6004-reinstalling-the-calyx-document-converter
6. Reinstall Point KB 1004-installing-or-reinstalling-point-via-mycalyx
7. From File Explorer in C:\Winpoint folder, right click PDFInstall.exe and Run as Admin.
8. From File Explorer in C:\Winpoint, right click PDF650Install.exe and Run as Admin.