You are not able to enter a discount or a credit in section 2 of the Fees Worksheet because the fields are disabled.
If the credit or charge for the interest rate on this loan is included in the Origination Charge checkbox is checked on the Good Faith Estimate then the fields are disabled.
Uncheck the Credit or charge for the interest rate... checkbox on the GFE
- Go to the Good Faith Estimate.
- Scroll to Adjusted Origination Charges.
- In line item 2. Credit or charge (points) for the specific interest rate chosen, uncheck the first checkbox The credit or charge for the interest rate...
- Go to the Fees Worksheet and enter the discount or credit.
If the checkbox that you need to uncheck in step 3 is grey, go to Utilities > Company Defaults > Company Information and then uncheck the Broker checkbox and click OK. At that time, you can uncheck the box on the Good Faith Estimate in order to enable the fields on the Fees Worksheet.