3608 Detaching/Attaching SQL Database

Please Note: Before detaching the database, verify there are no users logged into PointCentral. Changing the security key will prevent users from logging in. Backup Database prior to making any changes. These steps are specific to SQL v08r2 however; these steps generally apply to most versions of SQL.

To Detach a Database

  1. Backup Database.
  2. Stop the CalyxPDSFileSync Service.

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  3. Navigate to the Database that needs to be detached.
  4. Right click on the Database name then Tasks, click Detach.

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  5. Place a checkmark in the Drop Connections box.

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  6. Hit OK.
  7. Restart CalyxPDSFileSync Service.


To Attach a Database

  1. Stop the CalyxPDSFileSync Service.
  2. Navigate to Database, right click Database, click Attach.

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  3. Click Add.

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  4. Navigate to the Database to be attached. (The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL).

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  5. Click OK.
  6. Restart CalyxPDSFileSync Service.

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