The acknowledgment and agreement clause (right to receive appraisal), located in Section IX. Acknowledgment and Agreement of the Loan Application, is not included in the Point interface. However, you can specify that the statement print with the Loan Application. You can also specify whether you have a time limit to request the appraisal.
To print the statement when the Loan Application is printed:
1. Select Utilities > Company Defaults > Right to Receive Appraisal.
2. Select the Print “Right to Receive Appraisal” statement in section IX on the loan application check box to include this statement when the Loan Application is printed.
3. Select either the No time limitation to receive appraisal or the We must receive your written request no later than check box to specify whether there is a time limit to receive the appraisal request.
- If there is a time limit, specify the number of days when the request must be received.
- Click OK.