The PointCentral Configuration Wizard can be used to verify or modify information such as the Host Name, Domain Name, and Static or Local IP addresses for connecting your PointCentral database.
To modify your PointCentral Configurations:
1. Access your PointCentral server.
2. Navigate to Start > Calyx Software and right-click PointCentral Configuration Wizard > Run as administrator.
Note: The PointCentral - Configuration Wizard will open with the Company Name and Account ID fields populated for you.
3. Click Next.
4. Select the SQL version that is currently installed and click Next.
5. Enter your SQL User Password and click Next. (This password was created when you initially installed the SQL Server).
Note: The SQL Server Name and Named Instance are populated by default. Since you are updating PointCentral, the Configuration Wizard will detect your Database Name.
6. Click Next to upgrade your existing database.
The locations of the PointCentral Database and PointCentral configuration files are shown.
7. Click Next to continue.
8. Specify whether your PointCentral server used the Calyx Resolver service or your custom DNS solution and SSL Certificate.
9. Click Next.
a. If you selected Use my custom DNS solution and SSL certificate, click Next and skip to Step 12.
b. If you selected Use the Calyx Resolver service, the Calyx Resolver Domain Name and IP Address dialog box will display.
10. If no changes are needed, click Next to accept the default settings.
The Calyx Resolver Domain Name and IP Address Confirmation dialog box will open and contains the URLs for your admin page and database service.
11. Click Next to proceed.
12. Click Finish to complete the PointCentral Upgrade.