Prerequisite: Ensure that the loan you are using for the export contains the required UCD data. For more information about UCD export data fields, see knowledge base article 5800 Preparing a loan for ucd export.
1. Select Interfaces > Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD).
2. Enter the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac UCD case number, if applicable.
3. Click the Add button to open the document repository.
Attention: Only Point generated documents are eligible for UCD export. If you attempt to export closing documents provided by a closing documents vendor, the UCD export will not be successful. The document list contains only documents with types allowed for UCD export.
The following document types are eligible for UCD export:
- Closing Disclosure: Standard
- Closing Disclosure: Alternative
- Closing Disclosure: Borrower Only
4. Click the row in the table that contains the document to export to UCD XML.
Click the Select button.
5. Click Add and repeat the steps to add a second document to the export.
Note: A maximum of two documents are allowed in the table at one time. Both documents are combined into one UCD XML file when exported.
6. Click the export button for the XML type you want to export, Export Fannie Mae XML or Export Freddie Mac XML.
The Windows Save As dialog box is displayed.
7. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file and click Save.
The file is automatically saved with the .xml extension.
For more information about preparing a loan for UCD XML export, refer to knowledge base article 5800 Preparing a loan for ucd export.