Fannie Mae 3537 3538

Resolve for Fannie Mae 3537 3538:

- For Services Borrower Did Shop For, Fee Paid to Type is required and must be a valid enumeration. When Fee Paid to Type equals "Other", the Fee Paid To Type Other Description is required.

- For Services Borrower Did Shop For, Fee Paid to Type is required and must be a valid enumeration. When Fee Paid to Type equals "Other", the Fee Paid To Type Other Description must be a valid enumeration.

1. Open Loan File in Point.

2. Navigate to Closing Cost Worksheet.

Fannie Mae 3537a

3. Scroll down to section B&C. SERVICES YOU DID/DID NOT SHOP FOR.

Fannie Mae 3537b

4. Look for a fee where, Paid To indicator is missing or Other was chosen from the dropdown list.

Fannie Mae 3537c

Fannie Mae 3537d

5. If Other was chosen from dropdown list, then change to either Broker Affiliate or Lender Affiliate and tab out.

Fannie Mae 3537e