6632 Calyx Point has encountered a problem it could not recover from...printing a marketing form


When you print any marketing form, such as, the Loan Comparison form, Amortization ScheduleCash-to-CloseDebt Consolidation WorksheetPrequalification, or Rent vs. Own, an error appears: "Calyx Point has encountered a problem it could not recover from"



There is an image attached that is too large or invalid.



Remove the image from the marketing forms

  1. From the menu bar, select Utilities > Company Defaults > Marketing Letterhead.
  2. Enter c:.jpg into the marketing letterhead field.
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  3. Click OK.
  4. When you print any of the marketing forms, an image or letterhead will not print.

Reduce the size of the image that is attached

  1. From the menu bar, select Utilities > Company Defaults > Marketing Letterhead.
  2. Note the path that has been entered into the marketing letterhead field.
  3. Minimize Point and open Windows Paint by select Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint.
  4. From the menu bar, select File > Open.
  5. Browse to the image that you have attached to Point as the marketing letterhead.
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  6. When the image is opened in Paint, select Image > Sketch/Skew, from the menu bar.
  7. Enter 50 in the Horizontal field and 50 in the Vertical field and then click OK. (This will reduce the size of the image by 50%)
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  8. From the menu bar, select File > Save As. Save the image to your C drive or other drive where you can access it from.
  9. Open Point, from the menu bar select Utilities > Company Defaults > Marketing Letterhead.
  10. Click Browse and then locate the new image file that you saved.