1611 Saving Point attachments from an E-mail

    1. Double-click the .pcf file attachment.
  1. In the Opening Mail Attachment window, click Open.
  2. The PCF Processor Login window opens. In the Password field, enter the encryption password that was provided to you by the sender, and click OK.
  3. In the Point Compressed File Processor window, go to the From PCF File section and click Browse to locate the data folder in which you want to store the file.
  4. Click Prospect or Borrower.
  5. Click the type of naming option you want to use:
    • Preserve
    • Auto Filename
    • Manual Naming

    Click the Copy button and the file will be copied into Point.

Saving Point files from E-mail where the attachment is named filename.brw or filename.prs.

  1. Save the attachment to your desktop.
  2. Open Point.
  3. From the Menu bar, select File > Open File.
  4. In the Look in dropdown list, select Desktop to find your file.
  5. Double-click the file. It will open within Point.
  6. When the file is open, go to the Menu bar and select File > Save As.
  7. In the Save As window, go to the File name field and enter a filename.
  8. Click Save. The file is saved into the Point software.