6346 Point does not open


Point does not respond when double-clicking the icon, or you receive the error Point has encountered a problem and needs to close....



  • Microsoft .Net Framework is not installed correctly.
  • Symantec Endpoint Security is not configured to allow Point to run.



Uninstall/Reinstall Microsoft .Net Framework

6008 Uninstalling Microsoft .NET Framework


Configure Symantec Endpoint Security to allow Point to open

Have your network administrator configure Symantec Endpoint Security from the server.

    1. Close Point on the workstation and then go to the server.
    2. From the server, go to Start > Programs > Symantec Endpoint Security > Symantec Protection Manager Console.
    3. From the login screen, enter your login information.
    4. From the left pane, select Admin.
    5. From the Tasks section, select the Install Packages bar. A list of workstations will appear in the right pane.
    6. Right-click the workstation that you will push the installation package to.
    7. Select Export.
    8. From the Export Package Symantec Endpoint Protection screen, insert a check to create a single .exe for this package.
    9. Click Browse. Select a location on the server to which the installation package will be saved.
    10. In the Installation settings and features dropdown list, select Default Client Installation Settings.
    11. In the Select the features you want to use dropdown list, select Antispyware and Truscan Proactive Threat Scan.
    12. Check the box to Export packages with policies from the following groups.
    13. Check the client group name.
    14. Check the box to Add clients automatically to the selected group.
    15. From the Preferred Mode Settings section, select Computer Mode.
    16. Click OK.
    17. Logoff the Management Console.
    18. Go to Start > Programs > Symantec Endpoint Security > Migration and Deployment.
    19. Select Deploy the Client and then click Next.
    20. Select an existing client install package to deploy.
    21. Browse to the package to which you will deploy. (This will be the installation package file that you configured and saved from step 9.)
    22. Click Next and select the computers to which the installation package will deploy.
    23. Go to the workstation that you deployed the installation package to and open Point.