3311 Reassigning Template Sets

It is possible to create multiple template sets in PointCentral and assign users to multiple template sets. The template set with priority 1 is the default template set when the user logs in to Point. There are two methods for configuring user template set access:

  • Remove the user from the user group and add the user to the new template set.
  • Set the priority of the new template set before any other template set the user is assigned to.

1. Log in to PointCentral administration.

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2. Go to Reports > Users, Group Memberships.

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Note: the group where the user is assigned. (If the user is assigned to a group, you must remove the user from the group before you can assign the user to a different template set.)

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3. Go to User Groups > List User Groups.

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4. Click the Edit link that corresponds to the group where the user is assigned.

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5. Click the Remove link that corresponds to the user on the Edit User Group page that you want to remove from the group.


Adding a group or user to a template set

1. Log in to PointCentral Administration.

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2. Go to Template Sets > List Template Sets.

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3. Click the Edit link that corresponds to the template set where you want to add the user.

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4.From the Edit Template Set page click:

  • Add Group Access Rights
    • Click the user group you want to add to the template set.
    • Select the templates you want this group to have access to.
    • Click Add Group Access Rights.
  • Add User Access Rights
    • Select the user you want to add to the template set.
    • Select the templates you want the user to have access to.
    • Click Add User Access Rights.