2019 Completing Section 5 of the redesigned Loan Application form 1003

Loan Application – Section 5

  1. Open a loan file.
  2. Navigate to Loan Application – Section 5 either from your left navigation panel, using the Forms menu in your top toolbar, or by clicking the Section 5 button at the bottom of the screen.

Any questions that are the same from pg. 4 section VIII. DECLARATIONS of the current loan application will carry over.

Field Mapping Table

 Loan Application – Section 5

 Loan Application pg 4

 A. Will you occupy the property as your   primary residence?

 l. Do you intend to occupy the property   as   your primary residence?

 C. Are you borrowing any money…?

 h. Is any part of the down payment   borrowed?

 G. Are there any outstanding judgments   against you?

 a. Are there any outstanding judgments   against you?

 H. Are you currently delinquent or in   default on a federal debt?

 f. Are you currently delinquent or in   default… or loan guarantee?

 I. Are you party to a lawsuit…financial   liability?

 d. Are you party to a lawsuit?

 J. Have you conveyed title to any…in the   past 7 years?

 c. Have you had property…in lieu thereof   in the last 7 years?

 M. Have you declared bankruptcy within   the last 7 years?

 b. Have you declared bankruptcy in the   last 7 years?

Review and complete both sections of this page using the provided dropdowns.