2802 Point default folder structure

The following are shown below: 

  • List of the folders installed with Point
  • Descriptions of some of the important files

Folder Descriptions


WINPOINT contains the Point application. It is located on the Local drive of each workstation running Point. The folder contains the WINPOINT.exe and pointadmin.exe files, and the setup for the PDF emulator (used for e-mailing files and forms from Point).

To avoid any unnecessary errors when creating and e-mailing PDF documents or custom Point forms, users should have administrative rights to this folder.

The WINPOINT folder also contains these important folders:

  • PCL -Contains the printed forms in Point as well as print group data.
  • WORK –Acts as a temporary storage folder. It contains the requests and responses that are processed through the Services menu in Point. It also contains any requests to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or any of the Lenders in Point.
  • TABLES –Contains the configuration files for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Lenders in Point.


PNTTEMPL contains the templates that are created and used in Point. The folder can be located either locally or on the network. It contains the following subfolders for each type of template:

  • BRWMASTR -Contains the Borrower Master templates.
  • CCS -Contains the Closing Cost Scenarios.
  • CustomDoc -Stores the documents that are created using the Custom Forms feature in Point.
  • database -Stores the Cardex Database data.
  • DataEXP -Stores the Data Export templates.
  • DataIMP -Stores the Data Import templates.
  • escrow -Stores both the purchase and refinance Escrow tables (From the Menu bar, selectUtilities > Escrow Tables).
  • Images -Stores images for the company letterhead and Open House Flyers.
  • INTRFACE -Contains the files necessary for each of the PPP Vendors listed in Point
  • LOANPROG -Stores the Loan Program templates.
  • Printgroup -Stores shared print groups.
  • PRSMASTR -Stores the Prospect Master templates.
  • REPORT -Stores the Report templates.
  • title -Contains both the purchase and refinance Title tables (From the Menu bar, selectUtilities > Title Tables).
  • Custom1 through Custom4 -Contain the custom screens in Point (From the Menu bar, selectUtilities > Custom Screen Setting). The screens can be networked as they reside in thePNTTEMPLfolder.


PNTDATA is the first data folder that Point creates to contain you data files. You can create additional data folders, such as, Closed Loans or Processing. When you create a new data folder, you should not create it inside of the Winpoint folder because the Winpoint folder may be removed when you uninstall or install a new version of Point.

Each data folder contains Borrower and Prospect subfolders. The folder also contains the following files:

  • FOLDER.ini -Contains folder information and other configuration settings like the Company Name or the Loan Representative list.
  • BORROWER.idx or BORROWER.index

    PROSPECT.idx or PROSPECT.index

    Act asindex files that are used to store the file lists in Point. You should rebuild the lists at least once a week. TheBORROWER.idxandPROSPECT.indexfiles are used for the additional search list columns, such as, processor, status, status date, and rate lock exp. date.
  • FOLDER.USR -Contains the list of users for the folder and the security settings that are set in Point Administrator.
  • FOLDER.SEC -Contains the password that is set in Point Administrator.

File Descriptions

  • WINPOINT.INI - The main configuration file that is used to start and run Point. The file contains directory locations, version information, printer information, screen colors, and scroll bar information.WINPOINT.INI is located in the Windows or WINNT directory.
  • Msmapi32.ocx- Control file used to launch Microsoft Outlook when sending an e-mail from Point, located in c:windowssystem32.
  • Embdcredit.ini- Contains the list of saved credit agency logins from the Services menu.
  • Embdflood.ini- Contains a list of the saved flood agency logins from the Services menu.
  • Fannie.ini- Contains the saved login for Fannie Mae.
  • Freddie.ini- Contains the saved login for Loan Prospector.