1008 Creating installation groups

Network Installation Settings (see bottom section for PointCentral Installation Settings)

Recommended for installing Point on multiple computers in a network environment. This installation settings will configure the Point installation on the client machine to access data files and templates from a network location.Data Folders and templates must be shared from the server first.

Creating a network installation setting

The data folders and pnttempl folder must be shared from the server and accessible from the clients computer before proceeding.

  1. Log into https://www.mycalyx.com
  2. From the landing page, click Manage Users.
  3. From the Manage Users page, click Installation Settings.
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  4. From the Settings dropdown list, select Create New Settings.

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  5. Enter a name into the Name field that best describes this installation setting should you use it for multiple users.
  6. In the Templates Directory Path, enter the path to the shared pnttempl folder.

    (For example: \\Server\Point_Data\Pnttempl or H:\Pnttempl)

     In the Data Folder Path, enter the path to the shared data folder and then click the plus (+) symbol.

    (For example: \\Server\Point_Data\Pntdata or H:\pntdata)
  7. Repeat step 7 for all data folders which you are connecting to the installation setting.
  8. Leave the PointCentral section blank.

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  9. (Optional) In the Windows Administrator section, enter the local administrator account of the workstation. This will allow the installation to complete if the user does not have administrative privileges.

    Note: The username for the Administrator section should be in the following format:


  10. (Optional) In the Installation Package Cached Location, enter a directory where the installation will be downloaded. When a user installs Point from MyCalyx, it will download from the cached location rather than from the internet. This will aid with problems caused by too many users simultaneously downloading the installation package.
  11. Click Save.

When the installation setting is saved, you can assign it to a new or existing user. The user will receive an e-mail to install Point from MyCalyx.


 PointCentral Installation Settings

Recommended for installing Point on multiple computers configured to access data files from PointCentral or Point Data Server. This installation setting will configuration the Point installation on the client machine to access data files and templates from the PointCentral server.


Creating a PointCentral installation setting

  1. Log into https://www.mycalyx.com
  2. From the landing page, click Manage Users.
  3. From the Manage Users page, click Installation Settings.
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  4. From the Settings dropdown list, select Create New Settings.
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  5. Enter a name into the Name field that best describes this installation setting.
  6. The Templates Directory Path and Data Folder Path should be left blank.
  7. (Optional) Uncheck Point Administrator if you do not want to install it on the user's computer.
  8. In the PointCentral section enter the PointCentral service URL and security key.

    (For example, mypdsserver.calyxpds.com/service)

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  9. (Optional) In the Windows Administrator section, enter the local administrator account of the workstation. This will allow the installation to complete if the user does not have administrative privileges.

    Note: The username for the Administrator section should be in the following format:

  10. (Optional) In the Installation Package Cached Location, enter a directory where the installation will be downloaded. When a user installs Point from MyCalyx, it will download from the cached location rather than from the internet. This will aid with problems caused by too many users simultaneously downloading the installation package.
  11. Click Save.

When the installation setting is saved, you can assign it to a new or existing user. The user will receive an e-mail to install Point from MyCalyx.