5407 Cannot View Credit in Point – View Credit button greyed out


After requesting credit reports in Point, credit scores will transfer, liabilities populate, but credit reports can not be viewed/selected unless manually imported.

5407 a

5407 b


The Credit Reporting Account does not have LOS Permissions granted. Account Administrator must grant Point permission to properly receive credit reporting data from the Credit Agency.


1. Credit Agency will have to be contacted to make an account change.

Using the Getting Started link provided, login to your Credit Account via browser and navigate to the LOS permission option. Make sure that LOS permission is granted.


Contact the customer service number provided for the Credit Agency and inform them that Calyx Point is your preferred LOS for receiving Credit Reports.

5407 c

NOTE: Verify that Account #, User ID, and Password are accurate in Point.

2. Once account has been corrected, request a New Credit Report.

5407 d