Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQC0609
- Description: Description: Funds Source Type is required for FHA loans and when Down Payment Funds Type is a Gift or Grant.
- Description: Description: When an ASSET that is a Gift or Grant is present, at least one Down Payment must be entered.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQC0022
- Description: Application Received Date is required.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: PLP0150
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQC0077
- Description: Construction Method Type is required when it is not a condominium.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: Freddie Mac Request
- Description: The reference number for the selected credit agency is required.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: PLP0014 line 1
- Description: The content of element 'DEAL_SETS' is not complete.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: 06. Invalid login name/password combination for LPA
- Description: Invalid login name/password combination for LPA .
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: 11. Loan Assignment Error. Message Code PLP0247
- Description: You are requesting to release on a transaction that was not assigned to this counterparty. Please confirm correct counterparty and resubmit the release request.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: 11. Loan Assignment Error. Message Code PLP0253.
- Description: Loan Assignment Error. Message Code PLP0253. The selected AUS Key could not be found. Verify the AUS Key is correct and active.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: 11. Loan Assignment Error. Missing UserPartyRoleIdentifier, UserpartyRoleType
- Description: Loan Assignment Error. Missing UserPartyRoleIdentifier, UserpartyRoleType .
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: 11. Loan Assignment Error. Missing alternateLoanIdentifier.
- Description: Loan Assignment Error. Missing alternateLoanIdentifier.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQE0443
- Description: Purchase Credit Type Other Description is not valid.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQC0660
- Description: Loan Status Identifier was not submitted.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQC0703
- Description: An association is required to connect Borrower Employment to a type of income.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQC0185
- Description: An association is required to connect Borrower Employment to a type of income.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQC0639
- Description: An association is required to connect Borrower Employment to a type of income.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: PLP0273
- Description: Both Lender ID and Sponsored Originator EIN not allowed.
Loan Product Advisor Request
Code: DQC0500
- Description: Provide borrower's residency history to cover most recent consecutive 24 months.