The credit scores or factors on a credit report do not import into Point. These values should populate the Credit Score Information Disclosure form.
- The credit scores and factors only import to Point if you use the Services function in Point to request credit.
- Point is not properly overwriting the .xml file for import.
- The credit agency is not properly formatting the response for Point to import the credit scores or factors.
- The credit agency is not returning credit scores or factors in their response.
Use the Services function in Point to request credit for the scores and factors to import into Point. They will not import correctly if you are using the Interfaces or Lenders functions, or if you use the credit agency’s Website to request credit.
Delete all files in the applications Work directory
6010 Deleting all files in the applications Work directory
The credit agency is not including the data in their response.
The credit scores and factors only import if you request credit by using the "Request Credit" button from Loan Application pg. 3 or the "Services" option on the menu bar.