6604 Duplicate MIN Numbers


Generating MERS/MIN numbers generates a duplicate MIN number in a Point file.


There are several reasons that could cause a MIN number to be duplicated. Usually the MIN number field is not locked or you have auto file naming enabled with the same settings in multiple folders or in prospect files vs. borrower files.

  • The MIN number field is unlocked, which causes Point to not auto-calculate a new MIN number.
  • Files are being created in a data folder that has auto file naming enabled and then the file is copied to another folder that has the same auto file naming settings enabled.
  • Files are being created as prospect, which is generating a MIN number and then the file is moved to borrower, causing a duplicate MIN number.


Verify the MERS/MIN number field is locked

  1. Open the file that has the duplicate MIN number.
  2. From the menu bar, select eLoanFile > Additional Loan Data.
  3. Be sure the MERS MIN number field does not have a check next to the lock symbol.
  4. If the lock box was checked, then you should uncheck the lock box so that the field is grey.
  5. Then from the menu bar, select File > Save As > click Save to let Point automatically re-save the file with a new file number and MIN number.
  6. Open the new file and it will have a new MIN number.

MIN number can potentially be duplicated if you create a file in one folder and then copy it to another folder where files are also created from.

Since the auto file naming feature is separate for each data folder; when auto file naming is enabled in multiple folders, the naming scheme that saves each file must be slightly different. Otherwise, Point will create duplicate MIN numbers.

Change the auto file naming scheme in all data folders

    1. Open Point and select the folder that the file was created in.
    2. From the menu bar select Utilities > Auto File naming > Borrower.
    3. Take note of the settings that generate the file numbers.
    4. Close the Auto Filenaming window and then select the other data folder that the files are being coped into.
    5. From the menu bar, select Utilities > Auto File naming > Borrower.

Be sure that the file naming scheme in this folder is slightly different than the initial folder that you checked. You can increase the counter by one digit or change any option so that each data folder has different auto file naming settings.

MIN number can potentially be duplicated if you create files as a prospect and then copy them to a borrower.

You might have the auto file naming scheme set the same for prospects and borrowers, thus producing duplicate MIN numbers.

Change the auto file naming scheme for Prospect files vs. borrower files

    1. Open Point.
    2. From the left navigation panel, select Prospect under the data folder dropdown list.
    3. From the menu bar, select Utilities > Auto File naming > Prospect.
    4. IF auto file naming is enabled, increase the counter by one digit and then click OK.

Increasing the counter for prospect files will resolve the duplicate min number issue since each file will be saved with a slightly different file number than borrower files.