4200 Resetting the WebCaster Loan Application and Loan Status password

To set the Loan Status Password:

    1. Login to the WebCaster Administration page (webcaster.calyxsoftware.com).
    2. Navigate to Content > Loan Center > Loan Status.
    3. Scroll down to the Loan Status Password section.
    4. Enter a 5 to 8 character password using only lower case letters and numbers.
    5. Click Save.

    To set the Loan Application Password for Primary Emails:

    Note: The Secondary Email Address(es) are used for receiving copies of Loan Applications sent to the Primary Email Address when the routing options are set to either Primary email address(es) only or Both the primary email address(es) and the specified Loan Originator email address. For more information on setting routing and delivery option refer to knowledge base article 4201 Configuring WebCaster to download online applications.

      1. Navigate to Content > Loan Center > Loan Applications > Primary Emails.
      2. Under the Secondary Email Address(es) section enter the Email and a Password for any secondary email address(s).
      3. Click Save for each entry.

      To set the Loan Application for individual Loan Originators:

      4200 a

      Note: The password needs to be between 5 and 8 characters long using only lowercase letters and numbers.

        1. Navigate to Content > About Us > Loan Originators > Descriptions.
        2. On the row for the Loan Originator you are setting a password for, click the Edit link under the Application Routing column.
        3. In the Online Loan Application Login Information section enter a Password in the appropriate field.
        4. Click Save.