There are times when a WebCaster Online Loan Application may need to be pushed back out to Point for import. This is a task that must be done by the WebCaster admin for the account.
To resend a WebCaster Online Loan Application to a user's Point system:
1. Login to the WebCaster admin site (
2. Navigate to Visitor Tracking > Loan Application Report from the left navigation menu.
3. Use the Search Criteria options when looking for a specific loan file.
a. Use the Email Address field when searching for a specific borrower email address.
b. The Created between date fields are the date range the application was submitted.
c. The Display dropdown is to select what type of loan application to search for:
- All Applications
- Long Loan Applications Only
- Short Loan Applications Only
4. Click the Refresh button to generate results based on your selected criteria.
5. Click the Resend link in the last column of the borrower's information to push the file to Point.
6. The file will be available for import immediately.