WebCaster will allow the use of an external email SMTP Server to utilize your own email address when sending to your borrower such as INK-it or Document Requests. This would be in lieu of using the default noreply@calyxsoftware.com.
Important: The below instructions must be followed exactly to use this feature.
Note: The examples in this article will be shown using Gmail, although this also works with Yahoo email client for the setup. If using your own email server, there may be some variation in how to gather the required information.
Changing the default Email Settings in WebCaster:
1. Login to the WebCaster admin site.
2. Using the left navigation panel, open the Administration tab and select Email Settings.
3. Mark the Use our own mail server check box to open the Email Settings fields.
Note: For the purposes of this article, we will be using GMail for the setup.
4. If not already open, you will need to open and navigate to your email client Security Settings.
5. Verify or enable the 2-Step Verification setting.
6. In the SMTP Server field enter the SMTP Server information for your client's Outgoing Address.
7. Enter the Outgoing SMTP port Number (TLS) number.
Note: This is generally going to be the same Port Number across most servers and clients - 587 - but it is best to verify your specific settings.
8. Enter your Username (email address) used to login to your client.
9. You will need to generate an App password from your Security Settings > Singing in to Google > App passwords to enter in the Password field.
10. In the Sender Name and Sender Email fields enter the name and email address you wish shown on the outgoing emails to your borrower(s).
Note: These settings are company level, so will apply for all users. If you do not wish all emails to show an individual's name, it would be advised to enter the Company Name and a generic email address in these fields.
11. Use the Test Reciever Email field to send a test email, verifying your settings are correct.
12. Click the Test button to send.
Note: When sending a Test, you will see notification that the test was sent, but will need to check the actual email account the test was sent to for verifying receipt.
13. Be sure to Save your Email Settings to have them apply to all outgoing requests.