Item Forwarding allows for the Administrator to grant another user within a Zip account the ability to download items from Zip into Point.
Enabling Item Forwarding
1. Login to your Zip admin site (
2. From Left Navigation Panel, select Loan Originators.
3. Select the Forwarding tab.
4. From the From dropdown select the LO that the items are already assigned to.
5. From the Forward To dropdown select the LO that would be receiving the items in Point.
6. Click the Add button.
7. Click Yes on the confirmation window.
- The forwarding request appears under the List menu.
- An email notification will be sent to both the From and Forward To LO's. Either one may open Point and download the loan application, borrower uploaded documents, and e-signature items for any files once the forward has been enabled.
- When the borrower(s) uploads documents or completes e-signature packages, both From and Forward To LO's will receive "Completed" notification emails.
Note: Once an LO downloads the loan application, document, or e-Signature from Zip, it will disappear from the server.
Remove Item Forwarding
1. From Left Navigation Panel, select Loan Originator.
2. Select the Forwarding tab.
3. Under List from the list of forwarding Admin requests, click the 'X' to the right of the request that you would like removed.
4. Click Yes on the confirmation windows.