The January iUpdate is available now to apply. This update will include the following feature updates and enhancements to your Point Software. Please note the following suffix for this update will be .746 after the Point build number.
WebConnect Interfaces
Interfaces>Closing Docs>PPCDocs, Inc. - Web Interface - Updated the Production URL.
FHA Consumer Choice Disclosure Notice - Updated the expiration date, footer date, and moved "Mortgage Parameters" verbiage to the 1st column title.
Fees Worksheet Detail - Resolved issue where form was printing the sum of Mortgage and Deed instead of the amount for Mortgage on GFE Section 8.
Supplemental Consumer Information (Bor/Co-Bor) - Updated to print applicant name from the Borrower Information Screen.
To apply this Update, follow the steps below.
1. Go to Help > Check for updates > Update Interface > click "OK
2. Once updated successfully, click File > Exit
3. Restart Point and verify your system by clicking Help > About Point
For more detailed instructions, visit our website to review KB 6016 Applying I-Updates in Point.
Thank you,
Calyx® Dedicated Customer Service