October iUpdate


The October iUpdate is available now to apply. This update will include the following feature updates and enhancements to your Point Software. Please note the following suffix for this update will be .732 after the Point build number.

DirectConnect Services
Services > Credit Rports > Request Credit – Added new vendor Lenders One to Point. 

Esign - Added date stamps when eSigning the following forms: ARM Disclosure (Initial) - Pg 3, Anti-Steering Disclosure - Fixed Loans, Anti-Steering Disclosure - ARM Loans, Borrower Signature Authorization (Bor), Borrower Signature Authorization (Co-Bor), Borrower Signature Authorization (Joint), Borrower's Certification & Authorization, Brokerage Business Contract (Generic) - Pg 1, Brokerage Business Contract (Generic) - Pg 2, Equal Credit Opportunity Act Disclosure
Reconsideration of Value Forms – Added prints to Initial Disclosure Notice pages 1-2.
Reconsideration of Value Forms - Added prints to Initial Appraisal Receipt pages 1-2.

Transmittal Summary, Combined Transmittal Summary, Flood Insurance Disclosure, Loan Estimate page 1 - Added unit designator and number to print with address on forms.
To apply this Update, follow the steps below.
1.    Go to Help > Check for updates > Update Interface > click "OK
2.    Once updated successfully, click File > Exit
3.    Restart Point and verify your system by clicking Help > About Point

For more detailed instructions, visit our website to review KB 6016 Applying I-Updates in Point.

Thank you,
Calyx® Dedicated Customer Service
