August 2024 Point of Sale is now LIVE.
New Features
Company Site/Company Main
- Added the ability to list Logos on the Company Main site.
Borrower Interview/Configuration/Edit Configuration
- Added the ability to configure/edit the Loan Term - Select the term you want to show on your Borrowers Interview page.
Notifications/Edit Reminders/Incomplete Loan Interview Reminders
- Added the alert Loan Originator checkbox to notify when emails are sent to Borrowers regarding incomplete loan interviews.
Borrower Dashboard
- Updated the Loan Number field to reflect subject property address when applicable.
- Added the ability to send encrypted/password protected documents by Borrower.
- Added the County field for subject property.
- Added the Country field for previous addresses for Borrower and CoBorrower.
- Added the autofill function for Borrowers who have previously completed a loan interview if the data stored is still within the retention policy period.
- Added the opt-in and opt-out checkboxes for receiving emails and text messages.
- Added Primary Residence for current and intended occupancies.
- Expanded the number of assets entered to 15 when borrower enters Financial section. This will also show on the Loan Summary.
- Added TCPA statement with agree-to-share option on the Contact section.
General Updates
VOA Settings
- Updated Vendor's name from FreeForm to Informative Research.
Social Media
- Updated Social Media Icons for X (formally Twitter), Reddit, Snapchat, and Telegram.
If you have any questions, please contact us or email us at calyxdcs@calyxsoftware.com.
Thank you,
The Point of Sale Team
