4201 Configuring WebCaster to download online applications

To configure your WebCaster to send your applications directly to Point:

1. Log in to your WebCaster Administration site (webcaster.calyxsoftware.com).
2. Navigate to Content > Loan Center > Loan Applications > Delivery.

3. Select Download loan applications directly into Point.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save button.

5. Navigate to Content > Loan Center > Loan Applications > Routing.

6. Choose one of the three available Selecting a Loan Originator options.
    1. Borrowers do no select a loan originator: This option will automatically route all applications to the Primary Email listed on the WebCaster Administration site.
    2. Borrowers type in a loan originator name: A textbox will be displayed on the loan application for the borrower to enter the name of the Loan Originator they are applying with.
    3. Borrowers select a loan originator from a list: A dropdown list of available Loan Originators will be displayed on the application for the borrower to select from.

7. Choose one of the three available Routing Applications options.
    1. Primary email address(es) only: Applications will automatically be delivered to the Primary Email and to any Secondary Emails listed in the Primary Emails section of the WebCaster Administration site.
    2. Loan Originator email address only: Applications will be delivered to the Loan Originator chosen by the borrower for each application.
    3. Both the primary email address(es) and the specified Loan Originator email address: This option delivers the online applications to the specified Loan Originator as well as to the email address(es) listed in the Primary Emails section of the WebCaster Administration site.


    Note: Refer to knowledge base article 4202 Enabling Loan Originators to receive online applications.

    8. Click Save.