DISCLAIMER: By clicking the Continue button, you represent that you have the capacity and authority to bind yourself and your employer, as applicable, to the disclaimer terms and are consenting on behalf of yourself and your employer, as applicable, to be bound by this disclaimer. Remote access services are provided at your sole risk.

Calyx provides assistance based on the following terms and conditions

You have requested the assistance of a Calyx customer service representative through a remote connection to your computer. The ability for Calyx to remotely access your computer significantly enhances our ability to resolve your technical problem quickly. You understand that by requesting such assistance you are providing Calyx customer service personnel with access to and control of your computer. In doing so, you could be providing Calyx customer service personnel with access to files that reside on your computer. Therefore, you accept responsibility for any changes made to the desktop content or system settings. Calyx does not assume and is not responsible for any liability for the linking and viewing of any desktop content, the operation of the remote access software or system performance. Calyx recommends that for your security and privacy, you exit any open applications that contain personal or confidential information before initiating a remote session with a Calyx representative. Calyx further recommends that you remain seated at your desktop throughout the entire remote session. Other than as set in these Terms, you agree that Calyx, its agents and its partners have no responsibility or liability under any circumstance at any time for any loss or harm as a direct or indirect result of actions taken during this remote session. Click "Continue" to agree to these terms.

To initiate a remote session and obtain a remote assistance Access Code, call Calyx Customer Service at (800) 342-2599. 
You must be on the phone with a customer service representative for them to provide you with the access code for remote assistance